Hair Loss Causes What To Do
Determine any and all factors from below that may be causing you hair loss and then take the corrective actions. This is most often done through eliminating certain products, working to decrease medications and having some metabolic lab work with a medical doctor, and dietary and lifestyle changes with a holistic health practitioner who will most likely recommend Vitamin-Mineral Analysis of the hair.During this investigative process, there are things to incorporate to prevent further hair loss and stimulate new growth as listed below under Remedies.
There are six common categories that cause significant hair loss in men, women and children.
1-Environmental Factors
Chemicals from the environment, food, cleaning, hygiene and beauty products.
Over processing the hair. Too much sun exposure.High levels of stress. A low body fat percentage,irregular eating patterns and excessive physical strenuous activity (often associated with nails falling off in athletic individuals).
3-Shocks to the system
Medications, illness, infection, stress, fast drop in weight, medical trauma and psychological traumas.
Note: Trichotillomania is a disorder characterized by pulling out one's own hair-this particular article does not address this issue.
4-Dietary causes
Inadequate protein, Mal-nourishment, high levels of Vitamin A, heavy metal or other toxic build-up.
5-Metabolic causes
Poor thyroid function, sluggish lymph function, toxicity, pregnancy, hormonal imbalances (especially too much testosterone/not enough estrogen), anemia, autoimmune diseases (chronic fatigue), poly-cystic ovary syndrome, skin inflammations (psoriasis, dermatitis) and general allopecia.
6-Medication side-effects
Anti-clotting drugs, cholesterol-lowering drugs, antidepressants, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), chemo-therapies and antibiotics. Also, hormonal drugs containing estrogen and testosterone such as menopausal drugs, birth control and steroids.
Growth cycle of Hair
It is important to know in which stage the hair is falling out.
Phase 1. Anagen: growth phase last 2-8 years (90% of hair)
Phase 2. Catagen: transition phase, hair follicle shrinks, 2-3 weeks (5-10% of hair)
Phase 3. Telogen: resting phase, 2-4 months (5-10% of hair)
Remedies for Lifestyle,Nutrients, Food & Supplements
Your hair, skin and nails needs protein,Iron, Biotin, Omega fatty acids and Zinc to stay healthy.
• Take a gender and aged based daily Multi-Vitamin.
• Increase greens loaded with protein (spinach, broccoli, sprouts, kale) and Biotin (Swiss chard).
• Increase scale fresh water fish for the Omega's and protein
• Additional Biotin and Omega's may need to be supplemented depending on your individual needs.
• Work with Practitioner to determine why your immunity is compromised
• Obtain a Vitamin-Mineral-Toxin Hair Tissue Analysis
Scalp stimulation
Olive oil scalp massage: Rubbing your scalp not only releases tension but it increases the release of dopamine and serotonin.The Olive Oil will help to stimulate the hair follicles of the scalp while also conditioning damaged hair.
Jojoba Oil with a few drops of lavender and bay essential oils may help promote new hair growth by mimicking the scalp's own sebum (Lavender has a calming effect in Aromatherapy).
Hair Hygiene
Be weary of "natural products" read the ingredients label. Yes, it may contain natural products but it more than likely contains added chemicals (lauryl sulfates, and many more) which cancels out the value natural ingredient. Try to find products that use Vitamin C, E and Coconut oil as the "preservative."
To prevent further hair loss, try to find Biotin and Aloe Vera based products. Aloe Vera promotes healthy hair and prevents further loss through balancing the pH level of the scalp and cleansing the pores.
Coconut Oil acts as a natural conditioner and can help heal the hair by protecting it against breakage.
Natural Dyes
You can make you own natural and safe gray rinses or color enhancers in the comport of your own kitchen that will not damage you hair and add nutrients to it.
Light Blonds, look for chamomile.
Dark Blonds, look for marigold.
Light -Medium Brunettes, look for Tag alder bark.
Dark Brunettes, look for Sage.
Blacks, look for Walnut hulls.
Reds, look for Henna.
More often than not, hair loss does not have to be a permanent affliction. Please be weary of putting additional chemicals on your hair and in to your body in the name of "hair re-growth" promises. Remember, for every ailment that occurs in nature, there is a cure in nature.
I am a Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner, Master Herbalist, Nutritional Consultant and Certified Master Gardener. In addition to Wellness Coaching in my start up private practice, I am a Family Support Educator and Advocate in the Corporate world and in the Court room for children in the foster care system. My educational background began with a BA in Psychology with a concentration on Sociology. My continuing education has concentration on all of the above as well as social work, religious studies and physical fitness training. My current educational endeavors are gearing toward the Sciences of Body Physiology and Sports Health Psychology. I adhere to a holistic perspective that optimal wellness comes through wholeness and we can only achieve this through balance. Although homemade health has universal aspects, each individual is special and will have unique needs. Remember, Optimum Wellness is more than the absence of dis-ease and one's journey is never a linear path. To learn more visit and connect with Holistic Approaches on Facebook Coming soon to YouTube and Skype to better serve clients that are out of the area. At this time out-of-state consultations are available via telephone and email support:)