Study Some Causes of Sudden Hair Loss In Humans a lot more

Hair loss

Both men and women tend to lose certain hair amounts and thickness with age. Normally everyone loses around 100 from the head every day. Loss of hair is not necessarily caused by a disorder, it may be related to genetics, aging, hormonal and hormonal changes.

While loss of hair is normal in most cases, sudden loss of hair is not normal and should be cause for concern. Some of the major causes of sudden loss include diseases, medication, hormonal imbalance, etc., if your hair is coming out in bunches, it's important to seek medical help to diagnose the problem.

Causes of sudden hair loss

Clinical loss could occur due to a number of reasons as discusses below

Too much exercise - Excessive exercise drains the body of its essential nutrition, which in turn causes the hair follicles to lose their strength. Exercise should be moderate and should be accompanied by a good diet to provide the body with the energy and nutrients it needs

Malnutrition/changes in diet - For normal functioning of the body, a proper diet should be consumed regularly. Malnutrition or lack of a balanced diet deprives the body of important nutrients, which affects the functioning of various organs. For healthy skin it's important to consume a proper balanced diet

Lack of enough sleep - Not getting enough sleep stresses the hair follicles casing hair to fall off more than usual

Medications - Various medications including anti - depressants, calcium blockers, and contraceptives in women cause hair to fall.

Pregnancy and childbirth - In women hormonal changes related to pregnancy and giving birth may cause sudden loss. This normally occurs two to three months after childbirth as the body undergoes through hormonal changes

Allergies - Allergies caused by medication, dust, weather changes can lead to itching and sudden hair loss. Hot weather especially causes the hair to lose moisture leading to hair loss.

Chemotherapy - Undergoing chemotherapy leads to serious and sudden hair loss in patients. Though re - growth occurs after the treatment, hair may lose its texture and color after treatment

Viral infections - Sudden loss can occur due to attack by various viral disease causing organisms.

Thyroid diseases - Under active or hyperactive thyroid can cause sudden hair loss. Each condition causes hormonal imbalance in the body leading to loss.

Most of the sudden hair loss type's above mentioned can be classified as stress induced as they cause stress to the hair follicles either directly or indirectly. Stress disturbs hair growth as it causes slowed hair growth.

Hair Loss Causes

David C. Brown holds a Master of Education from Texas A@M University in College Station, Texas and a Bachelor of Science in Education from Midwestern State in Wichita Falls, Texas If you find this article helpful, please visit my website.

Some Causes of Sudden Hair Loss In Humans

Go through Facts on What Causes Hair Loss in Men and Women a lot more

Both men and women can actually suffer from hair loss because of the same genetic condition. Androgenic alopecia is a medical affliction in which some of the hair on the patient's head is susceptible to early shedding. This condition is also called male pattern baldness and female pattern hair loss. If you are noticing extra hairs falling out in the shower, or if you are noticing thin spots any where on your head you may be seeing the early signs of this problem. For men, about 95% of the cases of hair loss are directly attributed to androgenic alopecia. The percentages are almost as high for women.

To understand how this causes the hair to fall out we have to understand a little about how hair grows. The hair follicles, what most people call the roots, are the bulbous areas at the base of the hair shaft that actually create the hair shaft material. This material, called keratin, is mostly protein. The hair actually grows like a grass from the roots up instead of like a tree from the top. As new keratin is manufactured, the base of the hair shaft is pushed up and out of the scalp. The hair does not grow continuously though as it goes through normal growth and rest periods.

When a man or woman carries the genes for this form of alopecia, or hair loss, some of the hair follicles are actually covered with receptor sites that will bond with a hormonal metabolite called DHT or dihydrotestosterone. When DHT bonds at the receptor cites it slowly decreases the length of time for the growth phase of the follicle. This causes the hair shaft to become thinner and thinner until it finally breaks off at the scalp. By this time the follicles can no longer support hair growth and it becomes useless.

There are other possible causes of hair loss. Many people who practice severely restricted weight loss diets may be low in certain nutrients, or could have protein deficiency, which can result in hair-loss. The person's body will try to save vital protein by lowering hair growth. A person with dietary problems could see major hair-loss within two months of the deficiency. Often times this affected hair can then be removed from the follicles very easily, even just by brushing. This horrible condition could be reversed and any hair loss eliminated by eating the right quantity of vital protein and, when you are dieting, maintaining sufficient vital nutrients.

Hair Loss Causes In Men

These are but two of the possible causes of hair loss. If you would like more information on hair restoration for women or men then visit me at my blog. We are dedicated to giving you all the information you need to save your hair or replace what you have lost. The Hair Restoration Blog is the first and last place you need to visit.

Facts on What Causes Hair Loss in Men and Women

Hair Loss Causes In Men

Go through Eyebrow Hair Loss more

Eyebrow Hair Loss

Hair Loss

They could be different reasons for eyebrow hair loss. Over-plucking and rough or harsh plucking of eyebrows could lead to eyebrow hair loss. Over dose of vitamins, low thyroid hormone level, hormonal imbalance during menopause, nutritional imbalance, chemotherapy and certain skin disorders are the most common causes.

The treatment depends on the cause and once diagnosed can be treated well. Hair transplants can be done on women in selected cases. Before going in for surgery, you should meet a dermatologist and find the cause for the hair loss and treat it. Surgery may be unnecessary. In the meantime a balanced diet and restful sleep will help to solve the problem to some extent.

Iodine is an important element for hair growth. Lack of iodine is your diet leads to hair fall and excess of it could have an adverse effect.

Home remedies for eyebrow hair loss like applying castor oil on the eyebrow and leaving it overnight encourages thick growth. Warm coconut oil and olive oil are also supposed to aid growth. All these remedies take time to show best results, however they seem to be effective.

Oil being rich in vitamins and proteins has exceptional penetration efficiency. Hence it stops protein loss in hair. Regular use of oil helps stop hair loss.

The temporary way of resolving this problem, would be make-up, stencil to give the eyebrow a well-defined shape. These options depend on how comfortable the person is with it.

Eyebrows are well-defined features of our face. It would be embarrassing for a person to attend social gatherings and events with eyebrows. Loss of eyebrow hair could destroy a person's self-esteem and level of confidence. Well crafted eyebrows add charm to one's face. Losing eyebrows could be depressing and petrifying as well. It could make a person feel self-conscious.

If surgery, oiling and a balanced diet do not help in restoring the growth of eyebrows tattooing could be tired. The permanent crafted eyebrow look natural and does not cause embarrassment as in the case of wigs. However nothing can replace the hairy eyebrows.

Eyebrows enhance and illustrate the eye. So never neglect your eyebrows, for a person who has always taken care of their appearance, sudden lose of hair could be traumatic. So the earlier you attend to the problem the better you can overcome.

Watch out, there are many money making therapies which do not yield results but only make tall promises. Deal with reputed cosmetologist and surgical clinics.

Robert Grazian is an accomplished niche website developer and author.

To learn more about eyebrow hair loss [] visit Curbing Hair Loss [] for current articles and discussions.

Examine Hair Loss, Causes and Natural Reversal a lot more

Hair Loss Causes

What To Do

Determine any and all factors from below that may be causing you hair loss and then take the corrective actions. This is most often done through eliminating certain products, working to decrease medications and having some metabolic lab work with a medical doctor, and dietary and lifestyle changes with a holistic health practitioner who will most likely recommend Vitamin-Mineral Analysis of the hair.During this investigative process, there are things to incorporate to prevent further hair loss and stimulate new growth as listed below under Remedies.

There are six common categories that cause significant hair loss in men, women and children.

1-Environmental Factors
Chemicals from the environment, food, cleaning, hygiene and beauty products.

Over processing the hair. Too much sun exposure.High levels of stress. A low body fat percentage,irregular eating patterns and excessive physical strenuous activity (often associated with nails falling off in athletic individuals).

3-Shocks to the system
Medications, illness, infection, stress, fast drop in weight, medical trauma and psychological traumas.

Note: Trichotillomania is a disorder characterized by pulling out one's own hair-this particular article does not address this issue.
4-Dietary causes
Inadequate protein, Mal-nourishment, high levels of Vitamin A, heavy metal or other toxic build-up.

5-Metabolic causes
Poor thyroid function, sluggish lymph function, toxicity, pregnancy, hormonal imbalances (especially too much testosterone/not enough estrogen), anemia, autoimmune diseases (chronic fatigue), poly-cystic ovary syndrome, skin inflammations (psoriasis, dermatitis) and general allopecia.

6-Medication side-effects
Anti-clotting drugs, cholesterol-lowering drugs, antidepressants, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), chemo-therapies and antibiotics. Also, hormonal drugs containing estrogen and testosterone such as menopausal drugs, birth control and steroids.

Growth cycle of Hair
It is important to know in which stage the hair is falling out.
Phase 1. Anagen: growth phase last 2-8 years (90% of hair)
Phase 2. Catagen: transition phase, hair follicle shrinks, 2-3 weeks (5-10% of hair)
Phase 3. Telogen: resting phase, 2-4 months (5-10% of hair)

Remedies for Lifestyle,Nutrients, Food & Supplements
Your hair, skin and nails needs protein,Iron, Biotin, Omega fatty acids and Zinc to stay healthy.
• Take a gender and aged based daily Multi-Vitamin.
• Increase greens loaded with protein (spinach, broccoli, sprouts, kale) and Biotin (Swiss chard).
• Increase scale fresh water fish for the Omega's and protein
• Additional Biotin and Omega's may need to be supplemented depending on your individual needs.
• Work with Practitioner to determine why your immunity is compromised
• Obtain a Vitamin-Mineral-Toxin Hair Tissue Analysis

Scalp stimulation
Olive oil scalp massage: Rubbing your scalp not only releases tension but it increases the release of dopamine and serotonin.The Olive Oil will help to stimulate the hair follicles of the scalp while also conditioning damaged hair.

Jojoba Oil with a few drops of lavender and bay essential oils may help promote new hair growth by mimicking the scalp's own sebum (Lavender has a calming effect in Aromatherapy).

Hair Hygiene
Be weary of "natural products" read the ingredients label. Yes, it may contain natural products but it more than likely contains added chemicals (lauryl sulfates, and many more) which cancels out the value natural ingredient. Try to find products that use Vitamin C, E and Coconut oil as the "preservative."

To prevent further hair loss, try to find Biotin and Aloe Vera based products. Aloe Vera promotes healthy hair and prevents further loss through balancing the pH level of the scalp and cleansing the pores.

Coconut Oil acts as a natural conditioner and can help heal the hair by protecting it against breakage.

Natural Dyes
You can make you own natural and safe gray rinses or color enhancers in the comport of your own kitchen that will not damage you hair and add nutrients to it.
Light Blonds, look for chamomile.
Dark Blonds, look for marigold.
Light -Medium Brunettes, look for Tag alder bark.
Dark Brunettes, look for Sage.
Blacks, look for Walnut hulls.
Reds, look for Henna.

More often than not, hair loss does not have to be a permanent affliction. Please be weary of putting additional chemicals on your hair and in to your body in the name of "hair re-growth" promises. Remember, for every ailment that occurs in nature, there is a cure in nature.

I am a Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner, Master Herbalist, Nutritional Consultant and Certified Master Gardener. In addition to Wellness Coaching in my start up private practice, I am a Family Support Educator and Advocate in the Corporate world and in the Court room for children in the foster care system. My educational background began with a BA in Psychology with a concentration on Sociology. My continuing education has concentration on all of the above as well as social work, religious studies and physical fitness training. My current educational endeavors are gearing toward the Sciences of Body Physiology and Sports Health Psychology. I adhere to a holistic perspective that optimal wellness comes through wholeness and we can only achieve this through balance. Although homemade health has universal aspects, each individual is special and will have unique needs. Remember, Optimum Wellness is more than the absence of dis-ease and one's journey is never a linear path. To learn more visit and connect with Holistic Approaches on Facebook Coming soon to YouTube and Skype to better serve clients that are out of the area. At this time out-of-state consultations are available via telephone and email support:)

Hair Loss, Causes and Natural Reversal

Hair Loss Causes

Understand Cat Hair Loss: Causes and Treatment a lot more

Sometime during your cat's life they may experience hair loss, this can be something that is perfectly normal and will clear up on its own. However, you should never wait more than a few weeks if your cat is experiencing hair loss, instead you'll need to consult with your local veterinarian. This is because despite it being a common condition, cat hair loss is something which can be linked to a number of serious diseases; some of them even fatal. Therefore, it is recommended that you get your cat to a veterinarian as soon as possible to determine the cause of the problem.

Your vet will carry out a biopsy on the skin of your pet, and perhaps take a blood sample. This will help determine whether your cat has a serious condition. The vet will then recommend various medications that you can use to assist your pet in combating their cat hair loss. There may also be surgical options available depending on what is causing the condition.

If your cat is experiencing hair loss then more often than not it has not been caused by anything too serious. In fact, the condition is easily treatable and hopefully it will disappear on its own within a couple of weeks.

Your pet may also be causing 'self-inflicted' hair loss. Your vet will inspect the skin to check for broken roots. If there are broken roots, then the hair loss will more than likely have been caused by your cat. A common reason for your cat's 'self-inflicted' hair loss could be due to stress. There are some cat breeds that have a more "nervous" personality, but even laid back cats can experience stress brought own by environmental changes, such as moving to a new place, a new baby, loud noises, and even a new cat being introduced to the family. If you feel your cat may be suffering from stress, you can purchase calming agents that can be placed throughout your home, I often use Feliway plug-ins around my house which have proven very successful in keeping my cats calm and relaxed.

One of the biggest causes for cat hair loss is ringworm. Your vet should be able to diagnose this with ease as all the warning signs will be there. Often this will be the first thing that the vet will be on the lookout for. This will be easily treatable with medications and should take a couple of weeks before hair growth begins again.

If nothing is found after blood tests or ringworm checks then there may be other factors at play. One of the biggest causes of cat hair loss is allergy to foods, even if they haven't been present before. Your vet will most likely supply you with a cat food trial to test your pet for allergies to the foods they are eating. The diet they are placed on will last anywhere from 8-12 weeks. Sometimes you will be given prescription foods, other times you will be supplied with a 'diet plan' that you can prepare for your pet at home. Though the second option is much more rare and many vets will not prescribe this option.

As mentioned previously, if your cat is experiencing hair loss then you'll need to see your veterinarian as soon as possible. Whilst it is unlikely there is a serious disease present, it is better to be safe than sorry, and the earlier the condition is diagnosed, the greater the chances of your cat remaining healthy.

Velita Livingston is the founder of the Cat Lover's Diary blob which provides rich content with great advice on cat care tips and cat training, teaching pet owners how to protect, pamper and live peacefully with their pets. Visit the to watch the Cat Lover's Diary Movie, it contains breathtaking images and heartwarming quotes... It will uplift and inspire you! You can also visit the Cat Lover's Diary on Facebook and Twitter.

Cat Hair Loss: Causes and Treatment

Hair Loss Causes

Go through Possible Cause of Hair Loss in Women and Men more

Hair Loss Causes In Men

It is normal for a person to lose fifty to one hundred strands of hair in one day. This is part of the renewal process of the hair, as some have to be shed off to make way for new growth. Your hair goes through a cycle of growing, resting and shedding. The length of this cycle varies among individuals, dictated by several factors such as age, health, hormones and other external elements. When one or more of these factors alter the cycle, then you might observe that the rate at which you are losing hair is greater than the rate you are growing it. This is when hair begins to thin and bald spots might appear.

The cause of hair loss in women and men can be permanent or temporary. Of these, the most common is hormonal change. This occurs when there is an excess of testosterone in the body, which is converted to a derivative hormone called dihydrotestosterone or DHT. DHT causes hair follicles to shrink, resulting in the thinning of hair. Eventually the shrinking follicles die and hair is shed. DHT is a hormone that is present in the body but some people have more receptors in their follicles where the hormone can attach to. These are the ones who are genetically predisposed to hair loss. The production of thyroid hormones can also alter hair growth. Follicles can sense when hormonal levels in the blood change. Too little or too much can force the hair into a dormant phase and growth is stopped.

Hair follicles are very active, constantly producing hair cells. To do so they need adequate food supply. When this is lacking, their level of activity decreases and so does hair growth. If you do not nourish your body properly, you will have dull hair or experience hair loss. To avoid this, make sure that your diet contains sufficient amounts of protein; vitamins A, B, C and E; and the minerals zinc, iron, calcium, magnesium and silica. These nutrients do not only maintain hair health and stimulate growth, they also ensure the proper regulation of hormonal levels in the body. Those who are trying to lose weight oftentimes fall into the trap of taking too little protein. This can cause hair to fall off because the body saves its protein reserves by forcing the hair to a resting phase.

Stress is one of the most common causes of temporary hair loss. Although experts are yet to discover how stress causes this, they theorize that stress affects the nerve cells surrounding the hair follicles, which, in turn, affects growth. When you are under severs stress, you might find your hair becoming dull and lifeless and sometimes fall off. Luckily, this condition is only temporary and will cease when the cause of stress is resolved or eliminated.

Hair loss in women and men can be caused by several other factors other than those mentioned here. If you start to observe your hair falling off, it is helpful to identify the cause immediately so treatment can be applied at the soonest possible time.

Whatever the cause of your hair loss may be, it can be treated by means of a natural hair loss remedy. Go to to learn more.

Possible Cause of Hair Loss in Women and Men

Understand D - The Essential Hair Loss Vitamin a lot more

For many years, a lot of people have been dependent on vitamin supplements to keep their body strong and healthy. Oftentimes, the food choices you eat everyday do not provide your body with all the needed vitamins and nutrients, and an excellent way to fill-in this gap is to take certain vitamins. But what if you have hair loss problems? Do you think there is one vitamin that you can take?

The answer to that question is a yes. There is a vitamin that you can take and that is 'D'. Hair loss and rickets are the primary symptoms of vitamin D deficiency.

Researchers and scientists have conducted an experiment using mice as their medium. According to the study, vitamin D can indeed help in preventing hair loss and this is supported by the effects of giving the 'D' vitamin to the mice. If this occurs in young adults, the individual may be suffering from vitamin deficiency, particularly vitamin D. However, some points of the study were not very clear and so the research is still ongoing.

Omega 3 is a factor that affects the biological process of the 'D' vitamin. The modern lifestyle of today usually involves doing mostly indoor activities and so you don't get enough sunlight which is an excellent source of vitamin D. But according to some researches, this is not the main reason. Researchers pointed out the diet lacking of essential fatty acids as one of the major cause vitamin D deficiency. How did this happen?

It's quite simple. You see, your body can produce or manufacture vitamin D on its own. However, it will need essential fatty acids. The fatty acids are the ones responsible for producing cholesterol and at the same time removing its excess. The fatty acids are also needed in the fundamental bodily functions. In order to manufacture vitamin D, the body needs cholesterol. If you don't get enough fatty acids, especially the essential ones, your body can't produce its own 'D' vitamins. This will result to a deficiency. Psoriasis and flaky scalp are some of the effects of this deficiency.

Deficiencies in L-lysine and copper may also result to hair loss as well as deficiencies in zinc and copper. So you see, aside from the vitamin D deficiency, there are other vitamins lacking in the body that can result to hair loss. However, the major vitamin that you definitely need is the 'D' vitamin.

There are various manufactures of vitamin D all over the world. Try to conduct a research and check for the reputable sellers and suppliers. This way, you can ensure yourself that you're using high quality vitamins. Some vitamins are cheaper than others but you see, price is not a very important consideration especially for those who love their hair very much. They will not hesitate to pay for a high quality vitamin even if it's expensive.

The best thing that you can give to yourself is to consult a doctor first. Your doctor will be able to show you your treatment alternatives when it comes to treating hair loss. Remember that hair loss or alopecia cannot be cured, so it is best to prevent it from happening or from getting worse. Take your vitamin now and regain your hair's health and volume.

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D - The Essential Hair Loss Vitamin

Read Causes of Hair Loss extra

Hair Loss Causes In Men

Most people normally shed 50 to 100 hairs a day. But with about 100,000 hairs in the scalp, this amount of hair loss shouldn't cause noticeable thinning of the scalp hair. Gradual thinning is a normal part of aging. However, hair loss may lead to baldness when the rate of shedding exceeds the rate of regrowth, when new hair is thinner than the hair shed or when hair comes out in patches. Genetic hair loss isn't due to excessive amounts of hair falling out, as many believe, but to an insufficient amount of hairs growing back to replace the hairs that have been shed.

Hormonal problems may cause thinning of hair. If your thyroid gland is overactive or underactive, your hair may fall out. This hair loss usually can be helped by treatment thyroid disease. Hair loss may occur if male or female hormones, known as androgens and estrogens, are out of balance. Correcting the hormone imbalance may stop your hair loss.

During pregnancy, high levels of certain hormones cause the body to keep hair that would normally fall out. When the hormones return to pre-pregnancy levels, that hair falls out and the normal cycle of growth and loss starts again.

Loss of hair may also occur if you are taking medication. Only certain medications may cause hair loss. However when the medication is stopped your hair will begin to grow back. Medicines that can cause losing of hair include blood thinners, birth control pills and antidepressants, medicines used for gout, medicines used in chemotherapy to treat cancer.

Male-pattern baldness is the most common cause of balding in men. Men who have this type of thinning hair usually have inherited the trait. Men who start losing their hair at an early age tend to develop more extensive baldness. In male-pattern baldness, loss of hair typically results in a receding hair line and baldness on the top of the head.

Infections, such as ringworm, can invade the hair and skin of your scalp, leading to loss of hair. Once infections are treated, hair generally grows back. Ringworm, a fungal infection, can usually be treated with a topical or oral anti-fungal medication.

Having inadequate protein or iron in your diet or poor nourishment in other ways can cause you to experience some thinning. Fad diets, crash diets and certain illnesses, such as eating disorders, can cause poor nutrition.

One of the most common forms of balding is caused by an auto-Immune disorder called Alopecia Areata. This is a disease that causes the white blood cells to attack the hair follicles. The result is a temporary loss of hair. But as you recover you will begin to stop the hair from coming out.

Head trauma like chemical, severe damage from a blunt object, and over-exposure to extreme low temperatures run the risk of total and permanent hair loss. Wearing a tight helmet over a long period of time is technically not a head injury, but the continuous pressure it causes, can lead to permanent balding as well.

Just a guy who helps his fellow human beings regrow hair and stop hair loss in men and women. My goal is to make the word "bald" obsolete. For more info and free samples go to: []

Causes of Hair Loss

Hair Loss Causes In Men

Examine Hair Loss Causes: Hormonal Imbalance In Men And Women far more

Hair Loss Causes: Hormonal Imbalance In Men And Women

Hair Loss Causes

Hair loss is a widespread problem among the middle aged Americans, specifically among the men. Well, falling hair among men could result in complete baldness. As for women, their hair follicle show resilience and most often they are able to re-grow them on their scalp.

Your dermatologist would iterate on different possible reasons for hair loss when you consult him to curb your hair loss problem. Although many a times, doctors themselves fail to identify the possible reason behind the hair loss. And one such hard to identify reason for hair loss among men as well as women is hormonal abnormalities. You suffer from this type of hair loss but you are hardly aware of it.

This type of hair loss is predominantly meant for males. Male hormone or testosterone paves the way for Dihydroxy testosterone formation that adversely affects hair follicular function and disrupts hair regeneration cycle. This in turn results in hair fall. Hyper secretion of this hormone makes your scalp incapable of keeping existing hair firm onto itself. And ultimately it adds to your misery by causing complete hair loss or baldness.

Even a good number of women fall prey to this type of hair loss but their hair loss happens to be of less severe kind. Most often they experience it during pregnancy. Some women have been found with falling hairs after menopause. As menopause brings great hormonal changes in the woman's body, it affects her whole physiology and body functions. And of course hairs also get affected!

Post pregnancy hair fall is also due to hormonal imbalance. But this problem is short lived in women and once the hormone level returns back to normalcy hair follicles resume their task with same efficiency helping re-growth of hair.

Female hormonal hair loss could be effectively remedied with even some of the non prescription medications but men should take care in taking medications to combat excess secretion of DHT that causes hair fall. It is always safe for men to seek help of dermatologist and use prescribed ways to nullify effect of DHT.

Certain medications affect hormones and give way to hyper secretion of hormones. It also happens to be a cause of hair loss. Chemotherapy medicines have been identified with its influence on hormones as well. Such hair loss could be treated by stopping the use of medication if possible. Other wise you will have to wait till you are through with the period of medication.

These are the ways your hormones afflict you with hair loss. So keep track of your hormonal balance to save your hair.

To get more information on hair loss, hair loss in women and hair loss in men visit

Read through What is AGA Hair Loss? additional

The other day, I had someone email me and ask: "you reference AGA hair loss often in your articles. What exactly is this type of hair loss? What causes it? What are some of the symptoms of it? And, how is it treated?" While I'm certainly not a doctor or specialist, I will try to answer these questions as completely as I can (based on experience and research) in the following article.

Who Has AGA? What Is It? What Causes It?: The scientific term for AGA is androgenic alopecia. Many dermatologist will tell you that, despite what people who have hair loss would like to believe, androgenic alopecia is the most common culprit for this loss. It's estimated that over 90% of all cases of loss can be attributed to androgens (or the sensitivity to them) in some way. It's also said that 50% of men and 40% of women will suffer some form of hair loss before they reach 50 years of age. Of course, the severity of this will differ from person to person.

There are many factors that are contributory to the causes of AGA. The most common is thought to be genetics and heredity. But, increasingly, specialists are seeing more and more cases of people presenting with loss that resembles this type of hair loss without a family history. In short, testosterone is converted to dihydrotestosterone (known as DHT) by an enzyme called 5-alpha-reductase. And this DHT in turn affects the follicles.

Some Symptoms Of Androgenic Alopecia: This process can seriously affect and compromise the hair growing from those follicles. The result is typically gradual hair loss (although more aggressive or rapid hair loss and shedding is sometimes also seen) with miniaturization. To put it plainly, this miniaturization is really what defines AGA and is what makes the hair loss as noticeable and pronounced as it is. Think about it. With seasonal shedding or hair loss caused by conditions like telogen effluvium (TE) that don't include miniaturization, what has been lost is eventually successfully replaced. Normal textured hair replaces the shed hair so that there is eventually no loss in volume or coverage.

But, with androgenic alopecia, the hair comes back in thinner, finer, and with more of fly away or cotton candy texture. Over time, you may have slightly less hair strands, but the fact that what you do have is compromised and much more fine in texture means that the volume and coverage are severely compromised. This very much affects the appearance of your hair. Over many cycles, the hair gets finer each time until you can eventually get peach fuzz and then balding or nothing at all.

Now, this presents differently for women. For men, you'll typically get balding spots or noticeable thinning in the temples and on the top of the head or at the back crown area. What starts out as thinning might become a small bald spot that expand and become bigger over time. For women, you'll more typically see diffuse thinning and loss of volume or a widening at the part line. That's not to say that you don't see thinning in specific areas in women. You can. This sometimes happens at the crown, temples, or bang line. It really just depends upon the person and the hand that genetics has dealt them.

Treatment: AGA is treated in a variety of ways. Some people try drugs to get the androgens under control. Success rates vary. But what you're typically up against here is that there's often no feasible way to eliminate all DHT or to totally stop this process and the conversion from happening. So, you're dealing with a continuously moving target. And, in my opinion and experience, it's usually not that you have too much testosterone, DHT, or 5-alpha-reductase, it's that you're sensitive to what you do have. People (women especially) will often tell me things like "but my testosterone is low, not high. So why is this happening?" It's not usually the levels that you are trying to control, it's the sensitivity.

That's why I think that addressing sensitivity, inflammation, and regrowth can be a better plan. This is more realistic and focuses on controlling what you actually can. Regrowth is, to me, the most important part of the equation. To get a cosmetically decent result, you'll need to effective regrow, and then maintain, what has been lost.

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What is AGA Hair Loss?

Understand Hair Loss - It Can Mean Many Different Things much more

Hair Loss

Your hair loss may have a direct correlation to your overall health. There are physical ailments and medications that not only have an impact on your physical wellbeing; they can affect your hairline as well. Of course, there are other things that promote hair loss and it could be you simply need to take better care of your hair and scalp.

The most common and well known scalp condition is that of dandruff. Exactly what is it that causes dandruff? Believe it or not, doctors really aren't sure what can bring it on. Some think it is the result of a fungus growth that has gotten out of hand. There is also conditions known as eczema and psoriasis which contribute to having a lot of dandruff, along with oily skin, being overweight, having a huge amount of stress in your life, or living in a climate that is cold and dry. While most people are pretty self-conscious about their dandruff, medically speaking it isn't serious at all.

The only time dandruff can take on a bit more serious nature is when you notice the flakes being yellow and greasy. This is in all likelihood a condition called seborrheic dermatitis. This a skin ailment that presents itself where there is a large number of oil glands, which is typically on the scalp and face. This condition is connected to hormones, fungus, and at times neurological issues. But it is treated the same as regular dandruff by using over the counter anti-dandruff shampoos. In some extreme cases your physician may have to prescribe a steroid or antifungal medication.

Another factor in hair loss is shedding. No, your dog or cat are not the only critters around the house that shed. You do to! There are some experts who will tell you that humans may lose up to 100 hairs a day or more to shedding. This in and of itself doesn't mean that you are going bald because a certain amount of this type of hair loss is perfectly normal. You aren't aware of this but your hair follicles are busy at work manufacturing hair for the top of your head all the time. About 90% of your hair follicles are doing this and most of the hair that does fall out is usually replaced by new hair within a short period of time.

There can be physical and emotional events in your life that can contribute to hair loss. The best examples of these would be major surgeries and in some cases childbirth. If you are going through an event in your life that is causing you a great deal of stress, this too could be a culprit in the loss of hair. Loss of a job, loss of loved one, a marriage breaking are all major life changing stressors in which one of the side effects can be the loss of hair. Your thyroid can be a factor to with a condition referred to as telogen effluvium. In this situation you will notice the hair coming out in handfuls. My older brother went through a period of this and it caused him a great deal of concern at the time. However, it did stop and the hair grew back. He actually has a fuller head of hair today than I do.

The one factor that causes hair loss that you truly have no control or say over is your genetic makeup. Hair loss is a trait that is often passed down from one generation to the next and it will be the result of the genetics on your mother's side of the family more so than your father's. Looking at your grandpa and grandma might give you a little clue as to what the future holds for your own head of hair. Male pattern baldness is hereditary and it ends up leaving its trademark horseshoe-shaped bald spot on top of the head. Medicines such as Rogaine (minoxidil) and Propecia (finasteride) are over the counter hair loss products that can slow down male pattern baldness. The only problem with this treatment is that you have to keep using it in order for it to be effective.

In the end, there can be quite a number of factors that can result in hair loss. If you are losing your hair earlier or more quickly than you desire, you probably will want to consult with your physician and see what the best treatment, if any, you want to pursue. For men, having a bald spot or a head with little or no hair is not uncommon and it is often taken in stride. For women the issue can be more troublesome simply because it isn't as a pervasive condition in females and creates greater self-image problems.

Dean is a freelance writer and webmaster. He writes primarily on the topics of health/fitness, aging/senior living, mental health, and personal development.

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Hair Loss - It Can Mean Many Different Things

Hair Loss

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Hair Loss: Causes And Remedies

Hair Loss Causes

Hair contributes greatly to our looks and appearances. The aspects of hair that affect these elements include their colour, neatness, distribution and even length. These are but a few of the elements that distinguish individuals; some have darker hair compared to others, others keep it short. Others keep it short while others long.

The process of hair growth must be put into perspective before the issues surrounding its loss are addressed. Normally, the growth cycle ranges from two to three years. This means that at any given time, it is either growing or it is being shed off. In between the two phases of growth there is the resting phase. The part that is shed off is usually replaced by 'new hair'. However, the rate at which it is lost and replaced differs from person to person.

Loss of hair affects both men and women. This may be inherited while other forms may be either as a result of diseases or chemical imbalances in the body. Age is also an important determinant in the process of losing it. Depending on the cause and other factors that are specific to the individual, losing hair is a process that could be reversed, for instance if lost at puberty may last a few years before it stops.

This problem can be addressed by medical practitioners known as dermatologists. They can help in identifying the underlying causes of loss and thinning that stems from other reasons other than genetic reasons. The dermatologists do this by diagnosing and treating conditions that contribute to its unexplained loss and thinning. They can also conduct biopsies on your scalp in order to delve further into the possible causes of the loss.

Individuals experiencing hair loss must be aware that inasmuch as medication may be the solution to their problems, some may be the cause of the problem. Side effects of some forms of medication may lead to serious loss of hair. In such cases, this loss can be said to be a side effect rather than a condition. For example, cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy treatments tend to experience this to a very large extent. However, this may not be permanent as it grows back within a year of such treatment.

Hair loss affects different individuals in different ways. It may occur in patches of different sizes on individuals' scalps. This may be temporary or permanent and it affects both men and women. Among women, this affects the top of their heads and the sides. This is usually common after the menopause period.

The problem of losing hair among women can be a devastating issue. For example, if a woman experiences complete baldness it may be devastating. This can be due to the fact that, there is a strong link between femininity and hair; and therefore its complete loss may be seen as loss of femininity. Furthermore, it is hair that has been considered to be a woman's rich source of desirability and beauty.

The types of hair loss [] treatment are available. They may range from herbs to advanced options such as its replacement. You can always get information that will address your personal condition of losing and thinning of hair that will restore your beauty and glamour and dispel all your fears concerning the problem. It is a problem that can be mitigated when you visit us for more information at [].