Understand Women With Hair Loss - What Are the Causes? far more

Just because you see more bald men in public does not mean that women do not lose their hair. In fact, studies have shown that forty percent of American women experience thinning hair before they reach the age of forty. Although losing hair does not result in death, unless it is a symptom of an underlying disease, it can have an adverse effect on a person's self-esteem and confidence. This is especially true for women since society has programmed our minds to associate hair with female beauty. A long, healthy, shiny hair is greatly admired and often depicted in shampoo commercials, an image that many women aspire for. Thus, nobody thinks twice when a bald man walks around in public but women with hair loss will get second looks.

What is hair loss? The medical term for it is alopecia and there are many known type of this medical condition. The first is involutional alopecia, which is the gradual thinning of the hair due to a person's age. When a person is already advanced in years, most of the hair follicles are in the resting phase and the ones that grow become fewer; thus, the hair becomes thinner. Another type is androgenic alopecia, which occurs in both men and women. A common term for men is male pattern baldness and for women, female pattern baldness. This condition is genetic and can occur as early as the teenage years or early twenties. Men who have male pattern baldness have receding hairlines and bald patches in the crown of their heads. In contrast, the women experience thinning hair in all parts of the scalp.

There are several factors that lead to thinning loss in women. Although experts have not identified the reason why some hair follicles do not last as long as the others, they all agree that genes do play a significant part in determining whether a person will suffer from hair loss or not. Some conditions are temporary though. This occurs after a severe illness or to someone who is undergoing extreme stress, or to women who have just given birth. There have also been reported cases during pregnancy. Medications and medical treatments can also cause women with hair loss, the most obvious is chemotherapy. Examples of these drugs include contraceptives, anticoagulants and retinoids.

Women who often go to beauty salons for perms, hair bleaches and dyes might find that their hair is thinning. The chemicals used in these procedures do not cause one to lose their hair but they do result in the hair strands becoming brittle and unhealthy. Tight braids and hot curlers also damage hair and scar follicles, which can lead to permanent baldness in some areas of the hair.

No woman wants to involuntarily lose her hair because her crowning glory is a significant part of her personality. However, this condition can occur to some. Fortunately, for women with hair loss, it can be treated or avoided.

If you are one of the women with hair loss issues, don't despair. There are solutions to be found at http://www.coiffurecafe.blogspot.com/

Women With Hair Loss - What Are the Causes?

Hair Loss Causes In Men

Examine Causes of Hair Loss Could Be Reversed - Discover How Here a lot more

Hair Loss Causes In Men

All men and women experience some hair loss each day which is normal, but there are some who have excessive loss of hair and they want to know what is causing their hair loss. Normal hair loss is usually around 50 to 100 hairs a day, but there are millions of Americans who are losing many more. Going bald is a scary thing for many people, especially in the society that we live in, which places such a focus on appearance.

Many of us will suffer some form of excessive hair loss at some point during our life and the causes will vary. Some reasons for hair falling out can be prevented and others may not be preventable. There are many factors and reasons for hair problems, ranging from stress and hormone changes to heredity.

Men and women suffer from balding usually in different patterns. Men usually have a pattern of balding referred to as male patterned baldness. They loose hair along the front hair line and back to the crowns of their heads. Women seem to loose their hair in no particular pattern. Below is a list of some causes of hair loss:

Hormonal Changes:

Hormonal changes are some of the key factors to hair loss. Depending on hormone levels throughout the body they could actually promote hair growth or lead to excessive shedding. Hormonal changes are not only limited to women, but also affect men. Most women suffer from some type of shedding in the months following pregnancy, but it usually will stop six months following childbirth. The number one reason for men losing their hair is usually from Androgenetic alopecia, better known as male hormone hair loss. It is very common in men, but can also affect women.


Reduced hair air caused from stress is usually only temporary. Hair loss as a result of a stressful situation usually begins around three months following the stressful situation and can last until three months after the stressful period ends. Sickness from the flu, fever or severe infections could cause stress on your body and lead to hair loss. Major surgery can cause stress on the body and can lead to hair shedding. However, majority of the time stress on the body will eventually be resolved and hair shedding will go away.

Thyroid Disease:

Those who suffer from hair reduction caused from some form of thyroid disease can usually receive treatment that would reverse hair loss. I was actually diagnosed with Hashimoto's thyroid disease during pregnancy and following giving birth I had some major balding throughout my hair. After taking medication for my thyroid, my hair gradually stopped falling out and began to re-grow.

Chronic Illnesses:

Many times patients who suffer from chronic illnesses suffer from balding and the issue may not be reversible.


Ringworm of the scalp can cause the hair to fall out beginning in a small round patch and can spread.

Insufficient Diets:

People may suffer from excessive hair loss if they partake in a low protein diet, have really bad eating habits, or somehow have suffered from in adequate amounts of protein in the body. This deficiency is most noticeable by being able to pull hair out by the roots pretty easily. Re-introducing protein to ones diet could help to prevent this issue.

Iron Deficiency:

Not having the proper amount of iron in your body could potentially case your hair to fall out. A routine blood test could tell if you have insufficient iron and by taking iron pills this could be prevented. You can also eat foods and vegetable high in iron to help prevent iron deficiency. Some women have problems with iron deficiency because of heavy menstrual cycles.

Prescription Drugs:

A low percentage of people may suffer from hair reduction when using certain medications. Medications used to treat blood pressure problems, heart issues, depression, and arthritis along with excessive vitamin A may cause problems with excessive shedding.

There are several other reasons for losing our hair including, habitual hair pulling, our immune systems fighting against hair follicles, along with our hair maintenance.

Women and men across the world suffer from some form of hair reduction during their lives. The causes of hair loss range vastly. Many times there is a treatment for hair loss, once the cause has been diagnosed. Seek medical advice if you notice your hair thinning more than normal.

John Farikani is an expert in male and female causes of hair loss. Discover how to solve your hair loss problems by following the advice found at the following site http://www.baldness-prevention.com

Causes of Hair Loss Could Be Reversed - Discover How Here

Hair Loss Causes In Men

Read through Hair Growth Advice - Increase Consumption of Fruits and Vegetables additional

Hair Growth Advice - Increase Consumption of Fruits and Vegetables

Hair Loss

Hair Loss

Hair loss is a problem that many men and women suffer from. I suffered from hair loss for several years until I decided to do my own research and find a way to grow my hair back. One of the things that helped me to fight my hair loss was increasing the amount of fruits and vegetables that I ate.

Eating fruits and vegetables is very important because they contain many of the essential vitamins and minerals that are necessary for promoting hair growth. Some of the vitamins that eating a variety of fruits and vegetables can provide you with are Vitamin A, vitamins from the B family, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E and Vitamin K. Some of the minerals that one can obtain by eating a variety of fruits and vegetables include calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium and zinc.

It is extremely important to eat several servings of fruits and vegetables everyday because many of the foods that people eat on a regular basis do not contain the essential hair promoting nutrients mentioned above. The reason for this is most of the foods that individuals consume these days have been heavily processed, altered from their natural state to increase shelf-life. When foods are processed, they lose many of the important vitamins and minerals that they contain. It is also important to keep in mind that the fruits and vegetables should be eaten when they are ripe or fresh because in this state they are easier to digest, and, as a result, less taxing on the body.

Vegetables are probably best consumed as a part of your three core meals of the day: breakfast, lunch and dinner. For breakfast, one option that I have found to work well is an egg white sandwich with lightly sauteed bell peppers and spinach. The egg whites are a good source of protein, which is also essential for hair growth, and the bell peppers and spinach provide a solid serving of vegetables to start the day.

For lunch and dinner, there are many more options available. Most cuisines (i.e. Greek, Mediterranean, Chinese) offer dishes that contain meat, rice and a couple of servings of vegetables. One of my favorites is the chicken platter offered by many Mediterranean restaurants. The platter at the place where I often go contains a serving of chicken breast, rice, mixed salad and yogurt.

This meal is excellent in terms of the nutritional value that it provides. The chicken breast and yogurt are excellent sources of protein. The rice is an excellent source of carbohydrates, which provide us with energy to make it through our day. The mixed salad consists of an assortment of vegetables, which contain several of the essential vitamins and minerals that are necessary for hair growth.

Fruits are probably best consumed as a snack as they are very convenient to eat. Some of the fruits that I eat are apples, peaches, plums and strawberries. After working out, I also prefer to have a fruit smoothie because they are great energy boosters and help me to recover quickly from a very strenuous workout. I also include milk in my smoothies to have another source of high-quality protein in my diet. The variety of fruits that I eat as a snack and include in my smoothies ensures that I receive many of the important vitamins and minerals that are required to promote hair growth.

After several months of increasing my consumption of fruits and vegetables, I noticed that on areas of my scalp where my hair was thinning, the hair had started to become thicker, and on areas of my scalp where I had lost my hair, I could see gradual hair growth taking place.

As a result of improving my diet, my body was able to receive the nutrients that it needed in order to promote hair growth. These changes do not require a lot of time to implement; they simply require a strong desire to live a healthier lifestyle.

Karl Smith successfully battled his hair loss and now maintains a full head of hair. For more information on promoting hair growth, please visit his website http://www.stoppinghairlossnow.com.

Understand Itchy Scalp and Hair Loss - Are They Related Or Connected? much more

Itchy Scalp and Hair Loss - Are They Related Or Connected?

Hair Loss

An itchy scalp with hair loss is a common topic on many scalp condition and hair loss forums. It's very common to wonder if the two are related, which came first, and which (if either) is perpetuating the other. The answers are important because this will determine the course of treatment and action.

Some Common Causes Of Itchy Scalp With Hair Loss: There are several situations and conditions that involve both scalp and hair. Sometimes, medical issues (hypothyroidism, going off of birth control pills, pregnancy, female or male pattern alopecia, or taking certain medications) can cause hair loss. In these cases, scalp itching, tingling, tenderness, or even pain can sometimes accompany a bunch of hair follicles dying off at one time. Sometimes your scalp will also itch when the hair is growing back. This is normal and once whatever the issue causing the hair loss is resolved, this should stop. In the meantime, you can use natural, non harmful anti-inflammatories like tea tree or jojoba oil to soothe inflammation and help with the symptoms.

Sometimes, though, there is a dermatological problem with the scalp that is also causing the hair loss. In these cases, the two are often strongly correlated and related to one another. So, in order to treat the hair loss, you'll need to also treat your scalp and restore it to a healthy condition and vice versa.

Common conditions that cause both scalp itching and hair loss are: scalp ringworm; a yeast or other infection of the scalp; severe dandruff; dry scalp; psoriasis; cradle cap; or an allergic reaction to shampoo, hair products, hair dyes, or clothing detergent. (Sometimes even skin cream or make up that never even touches the scalp can cause problems in sensitive people.)

Treatments For Scalp Itch Accompanied By A Loss Of Hair: The treatment will depend on how severe the scalp condition is. Many feel it's best to try the most natural, least irritating treatments first.

If you're having problems with your hair and scalp, you have to realize that the skin is in essence injured. Pouring chemicals and harsh irritants on a wound can make it worse. If you take a careful look at the labels for many dandruff shampoos and scalp treatments, you'll likely notice that some of the common ingredients in these products are known irritants that can damage and dry out your scalp further and do more harm than good.

Why Natural Alternatives Are Sometimes Preferred Since Chemicals Can Irritate Sensitive, Wounded Skin And Make The Problem Worse: Sometimes harsh products are only a temporary band aid that will eventually lose their effectiveness. When this happens, you have to keep pulling out bigger, harsher weapons (sometimes even steroids) to get the same results. Over time, nothing seems to work.

Believe it or not, there are natural ingredients that can very effectively soothe and treat a problem scalp with or without accompanying hair loss. Common examples are tea tree oil, apple cider vinegar, rosemary and lavender oils. These are even more potent in specific combined amounts.

Sometimes it's hard for people to believe that simple, natural remedies can be both effective and healthy for your scalp and hair, but I believe that if you try them, you'll likely be pleasantly surprised. Think about other cultures with beautiful, healthy heads of hair that lack many of the scalp disorders and diseases of Western countries. These folks likely wouldn't dream of dousing themselves with chemicals, yet they don't suffer these issues and their hair reflects this.

Treating The Shrinking Root Of The Problem: There are common triggers for scalp conditions. These vary from person to person, but if you can find and eliminate yours, this will go a very long way toward reducing the problem and making treatments much more effective and long lasting. Reoccurring scalp and hair loss conditions can shrink and cripple the hair follicle over time contributing to weak, compromised, thin hair so it's important to fully but gently address all issues.

Healthy Scalp Resources is a website that offers natural solutions for dermatological scalp conditions like infections, severe drandruff, itching, flaking, and scaling (with or without hair loss), and other painful, chronic conditions of the hair and scalp. You can also read my personal story of how I finally addressed my own chronic situation at http://healthy-scalp-resources.blogspot.com/