Read Hair Loss - Alopecia Areata far more

Hair Loss - Alopecia Areata

Hair Loss

Hair Loss

Alopecia areata or spot baldness as it's also known, occurs when hair is lost in small round spots. It usually occurs on the scalp but can involve other areas of the body as well. It's an autoimmune disease in that the body attacks the hair follicles. The cause of alopecia areata is unknown but appears to be genetically transmitted.

This form of alopecia affects as much as 2% of the population during some point in their lives. It can vary in its severity, and terms used to describe it are dependent upon the extent of hair loss. Alopecia areata totalis describes the condition of a person who has lost hair over his or her entire scalp. Alopecia universalis occurs when a person loses hair over the entire body, including eyebrows, lashes, and pubic hair. Alopecia areata monolocularis describes hair loss in one spot only. And alopecia areata multilocularis is hair loss over multiple areas of the body.

This disorder usually starts out with the development of small round bald patches - usually on the scalp - but that can turn up anywhere on the body where there is hair. It can show up in beards, mustaches, pubic areas or other hair bearing parts of the body. In some cases the hair will re-grow and in others the disease can go into remission, but this is not always the case. And in some cases, the hair that regrows can then fall out again. Sometimes, the fingernails are affected as well, developing denting and pitting. This is an unpredictable illness as each case differs from others. There is always the chance that complete regrowth will occur, but no way to know beforehand. It can be a one time occurrence that corrects itself, or a pattern of loss and regrowth that continues for years.

While alopecia areata is not considered a serious disease, there does seem to be a higher incidence of some other illnesses in sufferers, such as other autoimmune disease, and allergies. But for alopecia areata itself, there usually are no serious symptoms, other than the occasional mild irritation and itchiness in the bald patches it causes.

Since there are other disorders that can cause the loss of hair in spots, a diagnosis must include the elimination of other diseases. Some of these illnesses are treatable so it's important to rule them out before the determination of alopecia areata is made. Diagnosis may include a scalp or skin biopsy, or the doctor may gently tug on the hair around a patch. Hair that easily comes out from this pull may indicate that this is alopecia areata.

There are no known cures for alopecia areata. In some cases with small affected areas, the hair grows back by itself, and so no other treatment is needed. For other cases, there are treatments available, such as:

Minoxidil - a 5% solution of minoxidil applied twice daily to affected areas may regrow hair in those areas. Minoxidil can be used by both adults and children to treat alopecia areata. Results, if any, should be apparent within 3 months.

Corticosteroids -are immune system suppressing anti-inflammatory drugs that are delivered topically, orally or by injection. They are either injected directly into affected areas or rubbed onto those areas. Oral corticosteroids are prescribed less often as it can have side effects. Hair that results from this treatment should appear in about a month.

For those with extensive scalp hair loss, hairpieces and head covers (hats, scarves, etc.) can be used to cover up the loss. Covering the head in no way interferes with regrowth and it may allay any self-consciousness the sufferer may have, if this is a problem.

The most significant effect that alopecia areata has on some patients may be psychological, or emotional. For many of us, hair is a very important part of how we see ourselves, and the loss of it can have quite an impact. Fortunately, this disease tends to leave those who have it healthy otherwise, and able to live a normal life.

Stephanie McIntyre and Wendell Bryant are Internet developers. Visit their site at

Go through Hair Growth Products - Treating Hair Loss Problems additional

Hair Loss

With roughly 40 million US citizens affected, hair loss is really a widespread occurrence. Fortunately, this condition is curable. Innovative movement of the new generation has made possible the hair care products to treat and prevent this condition.

Requirements of a hair growth product

If you are starting to notice that your crowning glory is slowly losing or thinning, you are probably starting your search of the best hair growth product. There are various options to choose from. Yet, the best should be equipped with these two things:

1. Provision of excellent results regarding hair growth and hair loss prevention.
2. Reduced risks brought about by complications and side effects.

Causes of the condition

In men, the most common cause of balding is the androgenetic alopecia or the male pattern baldness. Among the other factors that causes the occurrence of balding or thinning are as follows:

1. Medications
2. Stress
3. Poor nutrition
4. Hormonal fluctuation (in women)


Because of the growing number of people suffering from baldness or thinning of the hair, the number of alternatives dedicated to solve this dilemma has also risen. This is why before arriving at the decision on which strategy works best, see to it that it has proof of effectiveness and success to back it up.

1. Medication

The efficacy of medications varies from one to another. One is very effective in only to approximately thirty percent of the population, but does not restore frontal baldness. Another product cannot be used by the females. Other is by injection but is used by many.

2. Surgery

Surgeons claim that even the best of the best hair growth product cannot compare with surgery. Some of the techniques they employ include scalp reduction, scalp flaps and hair transplant. This approach also requires thorough research about the surgeon as this has its own drawbacks. It may cause loss of hair follicles, infection and oozing. More than that, this technique is very expensive.

3. Natural Treatment

A natural treatment is a safe approach to getting your hair back and preventing it from further thinning. Because of its natural ingredients, it bears no harsh side effects and can be bought even without prescription.

Learn more about hair growth products here Find if hair loss is stress related

Hair Growth Products - Treating Hair Loss Problems

Hair Loss

Read Hair Loss, Causes and Natural Reversal extra

Hair Loss, Causes and Natural Reversal

Hair Loss Causes In Men

What To Do

Determine any and all factors from below that may be causing you hair loss and then take the corrective actions. This is most often done through eliminating certain products, working to decrease medications and having some metabolic lab work with a medical doctor, and dietary and lifestyle changes with a holistic health practitioner who will most likely recommend Vitamin-Mineral Analysis of the hair.During this investigative process, there are things to incorporate to prevent further hair loss and stimulate new growth as listed below under Remedies.

There are six common categories that cause significant hair loss in men, women and children.

1-Environmental Factors
Chemicals from the environment, food, cleaning, hygiene and beauty products.

Over processing the hair. Too much sun exposure.High levels of stress. A low body fat percentage,irregular eating patterns and excessive physical strenuous activity (often associated with nails falling off in athletic individuals).

3-Shocks to the system
Medications, illness, infection, stress, fast drop in weight, medical trauma and psychological traumas.

Note: Trichotillomania is a disorder characterized by pulling out one's own hair-this particular article does not address this issue.
4-Dietary causes
Inadequate protein, Mal-nourishment, high levels of Vitamin A, heavy metal or other toxic build-up.

5-Metabolic causes
Poor thyroid function, sluggish lymph function, toxicity, pregnancy, hormonal imbalances (especially too much testosterone/not enough estrogen), anemia, autoimmune diseases (chronic fatigue), poly-cystic ovary syndrome, skin inflammations (psoriasis, dermatitis) and general allopecia.

6-Medication side-effects
Anti-clotting drugs, cholesterol-lowering drugs, antidepressants, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), chemo-therapies and antibiotics. Also, hormonal drugs containing estrogen and testosterone such as menopausal drugs, birth control and steroids.

Growth cycle of Hair
It is important to know in which stage the hair is falling out.
Phase 1. Anagen: growth phase last 2-8 years (90% of hair)
Phase 2. Catagen: transition phase, hair follicle shrinks, 2-3 weeks (5-10% of hair)
Phase 3. Telogen: resting phase, 2-4 months (5-10% of hair)

Remedies for Lifestyle,Nutrients, Food & Supplements
Your hair, skin and nails needs protein,Iron, Biotin, Omega fatty acids and Zinc to stay healthy.
• Take a gender and aged based daily Multi-Vitamin.
• Increase greens loaded with protein (spinach, broccoli, sprouts, kale) and Biotin (Swiss chard).
• Increase scale fresh water fish for the Omega's and protein
• Additional Biotin and Omega's may need to be supplemented depending on your individual needs.
• Work with Practitioner to determine why your immunity is compromised
• Obtain a Vitamin-Mineral-Toxin Hair Tissue Analysis

Scalp stimulation
Olive oil scalp massage: Rubbing your scalp not only releases tension but it increases the release of dopamine and serotonin.The Olive Oil will help to stimulate the hair follicles of the scalp while also conditioning damaged hair.

Jojoba Oil with a few drops of lavender and bay essential oils may help promote new hair growth by mimicking the scalp's own sebum (Lavender has a calming effect in Aromatherapy).

Hair Hygiene
Be weary of "natural products" read the ingredients label. Yes, it may contain natural products but it more than likely contains added chemicals (lauryl sulfates, and many more) which cancels out the value natural ingredient. Try to find products that use Vitamin C, E and Coconut oil as the "preservative."

To prevent further hair loss, try to find Biotin and Aloe Vera based products. Aloe Vera promotes healthy hair and prevents further loss through balancing the pH level of the scalp and cleansing the pores.

Coconut Oil acts as a natural conditioner and can help heal the hair by protecting it against breakage.

Natural Dyes
You can make you own natural and safe gray rinses or color enhancers in the comport of your own kitchen that will not damage you hair and add nutrients to it.
Light Blonds, look for chamomile.
Dark Blonds, look for marigold.
Light -Medium Brunettes, look for Tag alder bark.
Dark Brunettes, look for Sage.
Blacks, look for Walnut hulls.
Reds, look for Henna.

More often than not, hair loss does not have to be a permanent affliction. Please be weary of putting additional chemicals on your hair and in to your body in the name of "hair re-growth" promises. Remember, for every ailment that occurs in nature, there is a cure in nature.

I am a Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner, Master Herbalist, Nutritional Consultant and Certified Master Gardener. In addition to Wellness Coaching in my start up private practice, I am a Family Support Educator and Advocate in the Corporate world and in the Court room for children in the foster care system. My educational background began with a BA in Psychology with a concentration on Sociology. My continuing education has concentration on all of the above as well as social work, religious studies and physical fitness training. My current educational endeavors are gearing toward the Sciences of Body Physiology and Sports Health Psychology. I adhere to a holistic perspective that optimal wellness comes through wholeness and we can only achieve this through balance. Although homemade health has universal aspects, each individual is special and will have unique needs. Remember, Optimum Wellness is more than the absence of dis-ease and one's journey is never a linear path. To learn more visit and connect with Holistic Approaches on Facebook Coming soon to YouTube and Skype to better serve clients that are out of the area. At this time out-of-state consultations are available via telephone and email support:)

Understand Hair Loss - 6 Common Causes more

A friend of mine called me one day and said "I think I'm getting bald! I'm losing a lot of hair!"

Well, his frightened response is justified. The thought of losing your hair is horrifying, especially if you did not expect it to happen in your mid-twenties. But don't panic! Experts say that hair loss will not necessarily lead to baldness.

Some of the common causes of hair loss include the following:

1. Major Illness or Surgery

You may notice that you are losing hair about 3 or 4 months after a major illness or surgery. This is temporary and is an effect of the stress of the body relative to the illness.

2. Hormonal Problems

Your hair fall may be due to the over activity or under activity or your thyroid gland. Hair loss can happen if the male or female hormones are out of equilibrium in the body. If you can correct the hormone imbalance, you can stop the hair loss.

3. Autoimmune Disease

If you have alopecia areata (defined as an autoimmune disease where the immune system in a person's body attacks its healthy tissues, cells and organs), this can cause your hair loss. It affects 1.7% of the global population. It usually starts as bald round patches on the scalp and can sometimes lead to total hair loss. But usual cases report that the hair grows back in 6 months to 2 years.

4. Post Pregnancy

If you just gave birth to a baby about 3 months ago, you may notice some hair loss. The culprit here is also called hormones. There is a surge in Hormone levels during pregnancy. When the hormone level declines, those hairs will fall out and the normal cycle of hair growth and hair loss will start again. This time it will be for a longer term hair growth.

5. Fungal Infections

You can check with your doctor if you have certain infections that can cause hair loss. These infections can be easily treated with many antifungal medicines.

6. Medication

If you are taking medicines such as blood thinners (anticoagulants), excessive Vitamin A, some birth control pills or antidepressants, you may experience some hair loss. The most known medications to cause hair loss are medicines used to treat cancer. Your hair loss will stop when you discontinue taking the medicine.

Other causes can be improper hair treatments or excessive styling, poor nutrition or Male-Pattern Baldness. This type of hair loss is common among men. It is also called androgenetic alopecia. This condition is caused by a combination of androgens and genetics. Men usually inherit this type of trait. It is typically seen in a receding hair line and hair loss on the top of the head.

Although rare, women may also develop female-pattern baldness. This is a condition where the hair can become thin over the entire scalp. As for my friend's dilemma, I asked him if his father or grandfather was ever bald. And his answer explains it all.

Hair Loss

For more information, please visit Hair Loss Treatment Other hot topics: Hair Science and 5 Effective Hair Loss Solutions.

Hair Loss - 6 Common Causes

Examine Why Am I Losing Hair? Hair Loss Common Causes and What to Do About It! additional

Hair Loss Causes In Men

Starting to lose hair?  The day you ask yourself, "why am I losing hair, " is when you should begin doing something about it - and fast!  It's vitally important to treat hair loss immediately!

In this day and age there can be many causes for losing hair for both men and women.  Find out what may be at the root and treat it fast.

When you look in the mirror, if you are even remotely noticing a receding hairline - act quickly!  Also if it's easy to feel the top of your scalp, you may already feel the sign of thinning hair!

Is this a need to panic!

Actually, you should be DOUBLY PANICKED!

Yes!  You should be doubly panicked if you're at the stage of asking yourself "why am I losing hair"!  I wish I would have responded quicker when my hairline was receding slowly, but steadily! I just didn't think it would keep falling out! If that is you, now is the time to take drastic interest to do something about it!

If you act now, you have a great chance of keeping what you have longer and probably the rest of your life!  Although, if you are already going bald or have significant thinning hair you still could stop it and even start experiencing regrowth.

I personally wish I wouldn't have waited so long myself! Fortunately, I have seen great results regrowing lost hair. But, if I would have acted faster I could have limited the receding hairline and maintained an even fuller look.

When you need real solutions, most web sites will give you the routine answer that losing hair is genetically programmed and there's nothing you can do about it!

But that's not completely true!

Yes, genetics do play a role but much of what we call genetic hairloss is more often than not, something else! If it's something else, finding out the cause can help to limit further disappointment!

How Should Normal Hair Grow?

How it grows normally is a good starting place to understanding causes and solutions for the best treatment.

Every strand is made of complex protein but is totally lifeless as you see it on your head.  Each strand begins as a bulb-shaped formed follicle at the root.

The bulb under the skin is an anchor for each strand and receives nutrition from blood circulation much like every other part of the body that needs blood supply.  The strands are not alive so once it is damaged it is hard to restore it to normal appearance.  Abusive treatment like extreme heat from a curling iron can damage and burn the strand, causing premature shedding.

At the beginning of the shaft the bulb has what is called dermal papilla cells that have preprogrammed instructions to produce another strand of hair when the present shaft needs to be replaced.

Also under the surface of the skin the root also has a gland called sebaceous (oil) gland. This gland lubricates the root and also the skin with oil (sebum), keeping hairs and skin from drying out.

Why Am I Losing Hair? - The Three Steps of Losing Hair!

There are three phases that have a bearing on the timing of replacement when the old strands fall out.  The three phases are called Antagen, Catagen and Telogen Phase.

In these phases, hairs grow through three different changes.  During the first phase (Antagen), is the growing stage.  How long it continues to grow is determined by certain factors to include those predetermined.

In the Catagen phase, the it begins to shed.  This is a normal phase that hairs grow and are replaced.

During the final phase, the sheath (skin like covering under the surface) pauses and prepares for the new follicle to start the first phase all over again.  This is when new bulbs form to produce new growth and natural hair replacement.

Common Hair Loss Problems

According to haircare experts, the most common problems leading to hair loss starts when an individual's growth cycle begins to change.

I started to experience losing slowly and then it continued to progress faster and faster.  This happens to men and women.  However, women experience thinning hair usually on top of their head and in patches, while men experience pattern baldness.

Some contributors to hair loss include lack of blood circulation in the scalp, poor grooming, chemicals in products, stress and lack of nutrition.

Other causes of include autoimmune disorders, alopecia areata, fungal infections, bacterial infections, skin cancers, thyroid and endocrine gland disorders and iron deficiency anemia,

Starting to Lose Hair Because of Autoimmune Disorders

Other than androgenetic alopecia (hairloss due to genetics), a great percentage of problems result from autoimmune disorders which happen when the body's immune system turns on itself.

The most common is alopecia areata.  This happens at the very root of the follicle when white blood cells affect the bulb area causing premature shedding to begin.

This kind of loss results in experiencing small bald patches on your scalp but hairs can eventually return and the process starts all over again.

Losing and Thinning Hairs Caused by Infections and Bacteria

Hair Loss can be caused by fungal infections on the scalp such as tinea capitis, favus and kerion.  Also thinning can be caused by bacterial infections such as folliculitis.

The Role of Nutrition in Hair Loss

Much of what is blamed on genetics is often just nutritional deficiencies.  This was my cause of premature hair loss.  Supposedly, it was genetic because both my grandfather and father were bald prematurely.  As long as I can remember, my grandfather wore a toupee and my father was almost bald before he reached 48 years old.

I was in my mid-forties when I started losing rapidly.  Fortunately I didn't accept the common answer that genetics was the problem!

Because poor nutrition and diet is so rampant in our society, I believe that a huge percentage of problems are just due to nutritionally starving hair!

Often the problem is just a lack of the basic nutritional proteins that revitalize and replenish skin, nails and hair.

For others, iron deficiency anemia is the cause and is most frequent in women's hairloss problems.  A lack of iron leads to low red blood cells in the blood.  Again, this can be because of nutritional deficiencies in your diet. Many food sources providing iron include egg yokes, poultry, fish, beans and whole grains. However, other iron deficiencies may include iron-blocking side effects from medications and other poor iron absorption diseases.

Many problems that can be corrected result from taking prescription drugs, chemotherapy drugs, experiencing extreme stress, normal childbirth results, styling techniques and products, thyroid gland disorders, herpes, late stages of syphilis, stress and psychological trauma.

CONCLUSION:  While haircare experts say there are no cures, there are various treatments that can stop hair-loss and even cause regrowth as even I experienced!

Although, I prefer to use natural restoration treatments that don't have the potential side effects of pharmaceutical drugs and surgical solutions.

Through my own research during the last five years and also observing the medical field closely for the last 20 years, I've learned the benefits of using natural treatments. Not only are natural care treatments working but they are also much more affordable in most cases.

Just like the rest of our body; hair responds to natural living foods!  The secret is in discovering the most potent and effective food sources and combinations.

If I were to name the number one nutritional needs for maintaining a healthy head of hair it would be body-building protein.  Protein is vitally important in revitalizing and restoring all parts of the human body.  Not just any protein, but the right kind of protein for hair growth is important!

Before you decide to follow any advice from this article, make sure you consult your doctor and nutritionist for your particular health needs. 

For info on reasons for hair falling out and what to do about it, for men and women, visit, and also get other hair loss tips and a free report entitled "Surefire Advantage to Stop Hair Loss in Less Than 12 Weeks!"

Why Am I Losing Hair? Hair Loss Common Causes and What to Do About It!

Hair Loss Causes In Men

Study Hair Loss Causes - Lichen Planus And Hair Loss extra

The last thing most young people want is to lose their precious hair. There are various reasons that induce hair loss. Undue stress and unhealthy lifestyles can cause temporary hair loss while taking in some prescripted drugs and chemotherapy can have a more devastating effect on your scalp. For the most part, early male pattern baldness can be traced to hereditary genes that have been identified in many genetic researches on the subject.

One main cause of early hair loss is a skin disorder called Lichen Planus. Its exact cause is unknown and is common observed to occur in people with autoimmune diseases and comprise roughly 1% of cases requiring dermatological attention in people between the ages of 30 and 70. It affects just about any part of the body and when it attacks the scalp, while not directly causing hair loss, it often cause complication that can lead to hair falling out.

What Is Lichen Planus?
Lichen Planus is an allergic reaction triggered with problems centered on the body's immune systems. A lot of medical experts agree that the disorder can be traced to a stressful physical or emotional situation where the immune system weakens and your body becomes vulnerable to it. Lichen planus often appears as flat level bumps on the skin that are shiny and can have reddish to purplish color. The skin disorder can occur anywhere on the skin but is commonly found in ankles, wrists, lower legs, back and neck with some found in the genitals, hair and nails.

There are various types of Lichen Planus observed to cause different symptoms. The most common is the papular lichen planus where papules on the skin develop as shiny smooth areas that can expand to form plaques ranging in color from pink, violet or brown. Hair within these plaques are lost.

Then there's the Aactinis lichen planus that can be found in tropical countries affecting sun-exposed skin areas and the lichen planus spinulosis develop in people frequently exposed to chemicals like those used in film development.

Hair Involvement
Lichen planus affecting the scalp is commonly referred to as Lichen Planopilaris. It causes permanent scarring that inflames areas around hair follicles that cause hair to fall out. You can see it as distinct bald patches on the scalp affecting middle age men and women. These patches of hair loss can look unsightly and cause traumatic embarrassment for some people. Don't let it to fester and seek medical help right away.

About 20% of cases may require no treatment and will just go away but for many, severe and constant itching can occur and result in lesions. Early treatment can control the spread of the disorder. Consult your doctor right away. Antihistamines have been found to be effective in treating hair loses as a result of lichen planus.

Treatment also includes administering oral steroids initially to put it under control followed by topical steroid liquids. The oral medicines Palquenil and Accutane as well as ointments or creams with Vitamin A formulation are likewise effective. The disorder is expected to subside after a few months of treatment. Subsequent affliction has been known to occur even after successful treatment of the first attack.

Hair Loss

Are you looking for hair growth products? Learn hair loss prevention and read reviews of which hair loss products that really work.

Hair Loss Causes - Lichen Planus And Hair Loss

Read Natural Way of Treating Hair Loss in Men more

Natural Way of Treating Hair Loss in Men

Hair Loss Causes In Men

Hair Loss Causes In Men

One of the problems that men are facing nowadays is hair loss. Yes, hair loss doesn't only happen to women but to men as well.

Male pattern baldness is the most common form of hair loss that happens to men. Androgenic alopecia is the scientific term for male pattern baldness. The hair of men who suffer from this condition gets thinner and thinner which usually take years until it will totally be lost. The hair will be lost in an 'M' shape that is why it is called pattern baldness.

Actually, there are lots of causes of hair loss to men but according to medical studies the main cause of hair loss to men is the excess level of DHT or androgenic hormone dihydrotestosterone. If you are wondering what DHT has to do with hair loss, you have to know that an increased level of DHT can lead to follicular miniaturization in which the hair shaft width will decrease constantly and the hair will be thinner and thinner. Before, lots of people thought that baldness can be inherited but actually there is no ultimate proof to that.

Yes, there are ways to stop hair loss. One of the common approaches to this problem is using prescribed medications. But unfortunately, these medications turned out not always to do help since it gives side effects to those who took it. There are lots of side effects that can come up in using prescribed medications such as Minoxidil and Finasteride, these side effects includes acne, headaches, erectile dysfunction, gynecomastia, and so on. Having side effects is the main reason why most people who suffer from hair loss doesn't want to take it, they are afraid of having side effects that can affect their health or condition.

But you do not have to lose hopes in treating and preventing hair loss. There are herbal remedies that you can purchase in order to prevent and treat hair loss effectively and naturally. But of course, you need to be alert and wise buyer. You need to check out the herbal remedy/product first before purchasing it. There are lots of herbal remedies that being offered by many websites, so check them out and gain information about the herbal remedies, know the ingredients and so on.

Yes, there are natural remedies that can treat hair loss even better than prescribed medications. There are herbal remedies that do not have any side effects, one of which is Provillus for men.

Provillus for men, work by blocking the DHT in coming to your body. As mentioned earlier, DHT is the main cause of hair loss, but with Provillus for men, it can block it so to treat and prevent hair loss. The formula of Provillus for men was designed to block the cause of hair loss and supply nutrients to the body. Having lots of nutrients in the body, strong and healthy hair will begin.

So if you really want to see great and permanent results, you can use Provillus for men with your hair loss. It will prove its effectiveness that's for sure.

Eliza Maledevic Ayson

Eliza Maledevic writes for - SEO Company

Read through Other Causes of Hair Loss more

Excessive loss of hair is not normal. If you are balding, you might want to consider thinking of hair replacements. Other accepts their fate in baldness especially if the cause is hereditary. However, having a balding head cannot be solely blamed on genetic composition. Below are other causes of hair loss:

* A powerful cancer treatment that destroys cancer cells called chemotherapy may also cause hair loss.

* Different kinds of stress coming from different sources like illnesses, surgery, work related or even physical stress.

* Excessive use of different hair tools like hair dryers, curling iron and hair strengtheners. Also hair damage and hair loss may be due to frequent hair beautifying treatments like dyeing of hair * Growing older makes your hair grow less which means hair tends to get thinner and breaks more easily.

* Poor diet like lack of protein or iron.

* Hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism disorders

* Common to children, hair loss may be caused by ringworm

Indication of hair loss depends on the kind you are experiencing. Hair thinning happens slowly so you may not become aware right away of the hairs falling out. When clumps of hair fall out, there is the general hair loss where hair is lost all over the scalp, and there is the focal hair loss meaning only one area of hair is lost. Thinning all over the scalp in women may also mean inherited hair loss while men naturally have balding areas on top of the head or just around the forehead.

Because a person's hair is very important to overall appearance, hair loss is a difficult thing to live with. It may sometimes cause having a low self-esteem especially in women and teenagers. With severe hair loss it would be the time to explore having hair replacements.

Hair Loss Causes

Cherry Bonachita offers hair replacement methods for baldness. Know the extent of your hair loss and find appropriate solutions here.

Other Causes of Hair Loss

Hair Loss Causes

Study Hair Is Women's Crown - But Hair Loss? a lot more

The hair is the woman's crown. You would see from Farah Fawcett and Jennifer Aniston that hair is usually the defining point of their personal style. That's often one of the reasons why women panic immediately at even the thought of losing some hair after each shampoo or when combing the hair.

Those fears had some basis since almost every year more women are faced with the possibility of serious hair loss. The causes of hair loss for women is not the same from the common causes of men. In fact, it is completely different that hair loss for women is rare although it is not common.

Hair loss in women is not regular that some experts in hair loss don't even like to use the term 'androgenic alopecia' in women. Rather, the hair loss case for women is patterned where it encompasses many possible causes, some of which are likely to be directly linked to changes in hormones, while some are not.

Indeed, experts says that although the science of female balding is still largely misunderstood, there is evidence that many other types of enzymes, as well as hormone receptors and blockers, may be at work in women.

One clue that there is a true difference between male and female balding is the pattern in which the hair loss occurs.

Experts agree that female pattern balding goes around the whole top of the head where it diffuses within the area. Men, on the other hand, lose hair on the temple, on the crown, and at the back. In the same way, the hormone and enzyme receptor sites are also different in varying areas of the scalp. This is one of the reasons why doctors believe that the loss patterns are caused by different precipitating factors.

Another noticeable difference in women balding against men is that while balding in men is often the result of genetic predisposition coupled with age, women, on the other hand, can experience balding at any time. In addition, there are underlying medical conditions which can also be the cause of hair loss - even when true androgenic alopecia is the diagnosis.

At least for some reasons, women hair loss can easily be disguised especially that they are the most stylish gender. Women can readily undergo hair replacement systems to ensure that they still have the "crown" that greatly defines their beauty.

Cherry is dedicated to share hair loss solutions. She recommends the services of

Hair Is Women's Crown - But Hair Loss?

Hair Loss

Read through Frontal Hair Loss: What Causes It And Can It Grow Back? additional

Hair Loss Causes In Men

You may have noticed that many men suffer with frontal hair loss (receding hairline). This loss is seen across the top of the forehead, it is easily identifiable, sometimes the hair will look extremely thin, but in some cases the can be total baldness of the frontal hair line.

Frontal hair loss is genetic, this is because of a compound called DHT is being produced in our bodies. This is produced due to hormonal imbalances. Although many believe that this is a condition that just affects men, it can also be found in women, but this is rare.

If frontal hair loss is a problem for you, you should consider a natural treatment or medication. There are many treatments and medications available, most of them can be obtained without the need for a prescription.

Some natural treatments for frontal hair loss are;

Saw palmetto, this is a natural herb and can be used to prevent hair loss, and encourage healthy strong hair.
Vitamin B group, these vitamins have many benefits for hair loss. Vitamin B can be found in foods and as a supplement.
Toupee, this is a hair piece much like a wig. Unlike the past the toupees these days are much less noticeable.

Some medications for frontal hair loss are;

Finasteride, this medication is for men. It has a 60 % success rate, and it has some side effects, such as temporary impotence and lack of sexual desire.

Minoxidil, this medication has a 60 - 70 % success rate. It promotes strong hair and encourages density. Some side effects are know such as dry flaky skin, dandruff and itchiness.

Hair implantation surgery, this is highly expensive and needs repeating throughout life.

If you notice any unwanted effects whilst taking a treatment or medication, seek medical advise and stop using the product.

If you are looking for a suitable treatment I advise you to do some light research before hand. Try to find a product that is better suited to your needs. Basically if the hair is thins try a supplement, if you are bald you may want to consider a toupee or surgery.

As I mentioned above this hair implant surgery costs a lot of money, not only that you have to have it repeated up to 10 times in your life. This seems a little extreme when there are other treatments available. But your individual needs at this point in time may be higher than others.

Before you get to the stage where you are considering hair implants I would advise that you try several of the treatments and medications on offer. Sometimes the most effective treatment is the one that you would not usually choose to use.

If you suffer with frontal hair loss, you may notice that it can occur over a lengthy time period, in extreme cases you may notice that it happens rather quickly. Because of this I recommend that you speak with your doctor or start a course of treatment or medication as soon as you notice the problem.

For further information on health related topics then visit our health ezines site for detailed information not only on this disease but many other health related topics.

Frontal Hair Loss: What Causes It And Can It Grow Back?

Hair Loss Causes In Men

Read What Causes Hair Loss? extra

Hair Loss Causes

Be it male or female, one's hair style has huge impact on the appearance. And appearance plays its role in how comfortable a person is in presenting himself. Though being bald is now a days a popular hair style (rather I should call it non-hair style), for many hair loss is a matter of concern. For general awareness here I would out line various medical conditions which can cause loss of hair.

1. Bad diet is most common reason, a dietary pattern where one consumes less proteins and minerals can cause hair loss

2. Insufficient sleep

3. Diseases related to skin

4. Diseases like poly cystic ovarian syndrome

It is very important for one to identify the reason for his or her hair loss so that the treatment for the reason can be initiated as soon as possible. Since baldness in men might just give them a different look or style, this phenomenon in women might cause some serious reason for discomfort. Therefore, women should be extra cautious about the loss of hair. Let me brief you on PCOS which is one of the most prominent
reasons for women to lose hair. Generally women reporting loss in hair, face with the following problems:
Inability to style their hair
Dissatisfaction with their personal appearance
Concern about hair loss continuing
Concern about others noticing their baldness
Feeling self-conscious
Experiencing embarrassment and shame
Feeling powerless

Polycystic ovary (PCOS) is one of the most common syndrome affecting approximately 10%-12% of women of reproductive age (12-45 years old) and is thought to be one of the leading causes for infertility in females.

The symptoms during PCOS include obesity, resulting in irregular menstruation, acne, and excessive amounts or effects of androgenic hormones and hair loss. While the causes are unknown, obesity, insulin resistance, and diabetes are all strongly correlated with PCOS.

Hair loss due to PCOS:

An area of concern for women with pcos is the high levels of their androgens. Androgens are male hormones such as testosterone. The primary reason for hair disorder appears to be a male hormone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT causes hair openings/follicle to contract and miniaturize, which effectively causes the hair growing from that particular follicle to be thinner and more fragile.

With each successive hair cycle, these hair become progressively shorter and thinner and over time, only miniaturized hairs remain. Eventually the hairs reduce, leading to a reduced hair coverage.

Meanwhile, the DHT is making your facial hair more dense, you end up losing hair where you want it, and growing hair where you don't want it.

What Causes Hair Loss?

Hair Loss Causes

Understand Hair Loss - Will A Topical Hair Loss Treatment Be Enough? much more

Hair Loss

Hair loss is one subject I am passionate about probably because I have fought the hair loss battle for over a decade, and at least up until this point consider my efforts to have been a success. In this article I will offer my opinion as to whether or not a topical hair loss treatment alone will be enough to deliver significant results.

Topical treatment come in many different forms with the most popular being the wide array of hair care products containing either 2 or 5 percent minoxidil.

Minoxidil was originally approved as an oral medication for blood pressure but now is primary used as a topical treatment for androgenic alopecia (male or female pattern balding). Statically, it is said to re-grow hair 80 percent of the time but the truth of the matter is only about 15 percent of the time does the new growth resemble hair. In fact, it has more the look and feel of peach fuzz. On the other hand the success rate rises substantially when the goal is to protect existing hair.

The reason for the low success rate when it comes to quality hair re-growth is the way male and female pattern baldness attack the scalp.

The driving force behind these two common conditions is the androgen hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT) which attacks the small pouch like structure just below the scalp called a hair follicle. Over time DHT starts to shrink and destroy these tiny pouches making hair re-growth difficult at best and impossible at worst.

Even more troubling is that both male and female pattern balding are progressive conditions that gradually spread turning what might be initially perceived as an inconsequential problem into a full blow case of baldness.

If you are only using a topical hair loss treatment you are focusing on the areas where the most damage has been done. These types of products are not designed to be used as full scalp treatments rather to help slow balding around the crown. They also are not suggested for the front part of the scalp and make no claim to slow a receding hairline.

As you now know by using only a topical treatment for loss of scalp hair you likely will always be a little behind the curve. For this reason I believe an oral treatment is needed to protect and nourish areas which have yet to be impacted.

There are couple of different ways to go when it comes to oral hair treatments. Some believe saw palmetto alone (for men) will do the trick. I disagree with this belief. On the other hand when saw palmetto is combined with biotin, or other hair stimulating ingredients, the result tend to be better.

The oral hair re-growth formulas that have produced the best result for me are those in liquid form which encourage healthy blood flow and circulation to the hair follicle and scalp while offsetting any other underlying problems (such as thyroid inconsistencies) that might be contributing to loss of scalp hair. Some of the ingredients commonly found in these types of hair re-growth formulas are ginkgo, rosemary, prickly ash, yarrow, and eastern purple coneflower.

In conclusion, in my opinion the best formula for reversing hair loss is the combination of oral and topical treatments. That said, perhaps the most important message when it comes to slowing, and hopefully reversing, loss of scalp hair is to address the problem before it gets out of control since it is always easier to protect existing hair than it is to produce new quality hair growth.

Robert D. Hawkins is an enthusiastic consumer advocate for natural health and natural living with over 10 years experience in the field. To discover more about hair loss along with information about safe and effective all natural oral herbal and homeopathic hair re-growth remedies Click Here

Hair Loss - Will A Topical Hair Loss Treatment Be Enough?

Read through What Causes Hair Loss in the First Place? much more

You're not alone, if you're wondering what causes hair loss. Scientists, doctors and millions of men and women are interested in the subject. Studies indicate that half of all men are affected by some degree of male pattern baldness by the time they reach the age of 50. Female alopecia (hair loss) seems to be less common, but is enough of a problem that some dermatologists specialize in treating it.

How much hair is lost varies from one person to the next, but in most cases, the condition worsens with time. Eventually, the head may become completely or mostly bald. As it gets close to that point, a lot of men simply pick up the razor and shave it off.

Being a bald man is not a hard thing to do. Many bald men are considered attractive.

Women have a hard time walking around with no hair. When women receive chemotherapy for cancer, wearing a wig has proven to be beneficial for the woman's self esteem. So, women may be very concerned about what causes hair loss, especially if they have had relatives that went bald.

Genetics is believed to play a role, regardless of your sex. Scientists have identified several genes that may be involved.

A hormone called dihydrotestosterone or DHT is known to play a role in male pattern baldness. DHT sensitivity combined with decreased production of estrogen may be one of the underlying factors in female post-menopausal baldness.

In sensitive people, DHT can shrink the hair-producing follicles and eventually kill them. As the follicles shrink, the hairs produced are thinner and lighter in color. If the problem can be caught at that stage, when the follicles have shrunk, but are still producing, available treatments can be very effective.

Assuming that DHT sensitivity is what causes hair loss, treatments designed to protect the follicles from the hormone or prevent the production of the hormone are expected to be most effective. Drugs that block DHT production are popular, but their safety is questionable. The drugs are known to cause birth defects and should not be used by or handled by pregnant women. Hormonal specialists recommend against the use of the drugs for male pattern baldness, because they have caused erectile dysfunction in a number of cases.

A natural plant extract called saw palmetto has proven to be as effective as the prescription drugs, but is not accompanied by any unwanted side effects. If DHT sensitivity is what causes hair loss in men, saw palmetto should be effective. It could also protect the prostate, too, according to some studies.

Saw palmetto is not recommended for women, but other natural ingredients, such as horsetail silica may be beneficial. Protein, vitamins and minerals are necessary for creating new hair strands. So, first of all, you have to meet your body's nutritional needs.

The only topically applied solution approved by the US FDA for male and female pattern baldness is called Minoxidil. You might want to learn more about what causes hair loss and why Minoxidil is effective.

Hair Loss Causes In Men
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What Causes Hair Loss in the First Place?

Examine Solution for Falling Hair - Easy and Effective! extra

Solution for Falling Hair - Easy and Effective!

Hair Loss Causes In Men

The most painless yet psychologically painful ailment that afflicts us is falling hair. Falling hair is a condition that affects both men and women. If left unattended, this condition can worsen and result in permanent hair loss leading to baldness. Therefore it is very important to find a solution for your falling hair as early as possible.

The root cause for falling hair is both hereditary and hormonal. In men, the prostrate gland can trigger a loss of hair with excessive production of hormone called DHT. This hormone is a more severe version of testosterone. The excess production of this hormone results in the shrinking of hair follicles, which in turn result in falling hair.

The solution for falling hair can be a combination of medicines as prescribed by the doctor and good nutrition coupled with good grooming. Use only good quality shampoos and oil. Comb the hair gently with a god comb. Dry the hair after a head bath and then comb gently. Do not leave the hair unattended for long periods of time as this may lead to the hair becoming sticky and rough hair leading to hair loss.

Identify the factors for falling hair before looking for a solution for your falling hair. The cause varies form individual to individual. It could be any one of the below mentioned causes or a combination of factors that lead to falling hair. Stress, hormonal imbalance, ailments like Typhoid, nutritional deficiency, deficiency of Folic acid, effects of Chromotheraphy, treatment for cancer and pregnancy.

Some of the solutions for falling hair can be found at home. Use oil with extracts of Amla, or hibiscus. A combination of medicines and home remedies would be the ideal solution for falling hair.

However, there is no quick fix solution to falling hair. Regular and timely care is the only lasting solution to falling hair.

Limejuice can be applied to the scalp and allowed to dry for some time before taking a head bath. This will arrest fling hair by keeping the scalp clean and healthy.

You can also apply a paste of Fenugreek seeds soaked overnight and apply it all over the scalp. Allow it to sink in for about an hour before taking a bath.

Applying coconut milk all over the scalp is also another effective solution for falling hair. Using castor oil as hair oil regularly will also help in preventing hair from falling.

Iodine and vitamin B1 deficiency can also be the factors that lead to falling hair. Therefore look for solutions with a combination of home remedies and mild medications for a proper solution for your falling hair.

Falling hair if left untreated can lead to permanent baldness in men. In case of permanent hair loss, the only option available to men is to either wear a wig or go in for hair transplantation.

With the advent of modern medicine, hair transplantation has been fairly successful. Therefore if you suffer from falling hair do not despair, there is a suitable remedy at hand. Go for it and regain your beauty and your confidence.

Venkata Ramana is the writer of Hair Loss Solution blog. Read his informative reports about Hair Loss Remedy and get rid of Hair loss forever!

Read through Hair Loss - Hair Facts additional

Hair Loss

Our hair grows in cycles. At any one time, about 85% of hair is in the growth phase and 15% in the rest phase. The reason for this is simple. While it might be neat if all of the hair on the head was simultaneously in the growth phase - that would likely mean that at some point, all hair would be in the rest phase, after which those hairs would be shed. That means that everyone would, for a short time at least, be completely bald.

All hair grows from hair follicles, which cover almost all of the body (the exceptions, thankfully, are the palms of the hands and soles of the feet). There are approximately 100,000 follicles on each head, each of which grows many hairs over a lifetime. For most people of average lifespan, a single follicle will grow about twenty new hairs.

Follicles go through growth and rest cycles, which vary with each individual. Each follicle will experience many of these cycles over the course of a life. The growth cycles average from 2 to 7 years and the rest cycles from 2 to 3 months. These cycles also vary according to the part of the body the follicle is located on.

Some follicles on the head will continue to produce hairs throughout the lifetime of the person, even for those who live in excess of 100 years. The individual hairs are produced in the bulb, which is located at the base of the follicle. This bulb also produces the pigment that colors the hair. Less pigment is produced as people get older which is why we get gray and white hair.

There are actually three phases in the hair growth cycle. They are the anagen, catagen, and telogen phases. The anagen phase is the growth phase, and can last as much as 7 years. The catagen phase occurs between the anagen and the telogen phase and only lasts a few weeks. This is an intermediate phase. The telogen phase is the rest phase and lasts a few months, after which the hair falls out. The length of the anagen phase determines how long a person's hair can be. Since hair grows about ½" a month, a person whose hair is in the growth phase for close to 7 years will have hair more than 3' long.

Hair follicles will keep producing hair under most circumstances, and will almost never stop doing so. There are however some conditions that can cause hair to stop growing. Some serious medical conditions can affect hair growth. Illness such as severe anemia can cause a stoppage of hair growth, as can malnutrition and a poor diet. Some hormonal conditions (thyroid problems) can cause hair growth to be stopped, as can certain vitamin and mineral deficiencies.

Of course, the most common cause of hair loss in men and women is pattern baldness. In men, this is seen in the horseshoe shaped ring of hair around the sides and back of the head. In women, the hair tends to thin over the entire head. This condition is caused by the conversion of the male hormone testosterone into DHT by an enzyme in the body. DHT acts on the follicles to cause them to shrink and produce finer and finer hair - and eventually stop producing them. There are treatments available for this condition that can stop the loss in many people, and often re-grow hair as well. It must be continued for life or all new hair is lost, and hair loss resumes.

Hair growth is a complex process that is not fully understood by scientists. Research continues in an effort to better understand it, and to help those whose growth functions have been adversely affected in some way.

Stephanie McIntyre and Wendell Bryant are Internet developers. Visit their site at

Hair Loss - Hair Facts

Hair Loss

Examine What Causes My Sudden Hair Loss? a lot more

Sudden hair loss is a rather confusing issue for a few folks principally because there are people who don't realize what causes this and what are the preventive factors related to it. In addition complicating the issue are the cultural and social issues that are related to hair loss as well and this may provide extra neglected stress to many folks too. So, it'd be wise to offer a general view of this issue in order to shed some light on the several misunderstandings related to it.

On a baseline level, hair loss derives from the progressive thinning of somebody's hair in the shape of male pattern baldness, a condition that is known by its official name as androgenic alopecia. This condition particularly refers to the gradual loss of hair found in men due to genetics that occurs over an extended time period. However naturally, there are a couple of other factors that may occasionally contribute to this problem and finally lead to baldness for some people. Stress, as an example, has been understood to be the cause of it when the level of stress reaches imperative levels. Then, there's also a typical reason related to folks who wear a pony tail as the strain on the follicles may cause baldness over time.

Regardless of the reason why an individual loses his or her hair, the fact remains that it has only been recently that baldness hasn't been met up with ridicule by the society. When it comes to the social facet of hair loss, it had been improved noticeably lately. If one were to observe the picture of those people that suffered from this problem during the past, they were the people who are so frequently being portrayed in a buffoonish demeanor by the public.

If you look closely at any sitcom from the 1970's or 1980's, the bald guy was always the butt of jokes which is extremely common in those days. This has changed dramatically lately thanks to an acceptance of sorts of balding stars who have influenced pop culture and the picture of beauty so to communicate. Thus even if you do encounter sudden hair loss, remember that it is not the end of the world as the loss of hair is no longer viewed as a serious problems for most people in today's world.

For more information on sudden hair loss, please visit our site How To Stop Hair Loss. Thank you.

What Causes My Sudden Hair Loss?

Hair Loss Causes

Examine Loss of Hair - Symptoms, Causes, Prevention and Remedies more

Loss of Hair - Symptoms, Causes, Prevention and Remedies

Hair Loss Causes In Men

Though hair loss is prevalent in men some women have also had to cope with this condition. Vanity is one of the main reasons why people losing their hair try all sorts of treatments, remedies and medications [medical shampoos etc.]. Though hair is not vital in sustaining life, it is quite important to both men and women as it can enhance the person's beauty. Long, healthy, well looked after hair is stunning and most women cannot live without it [men love long hair on a woman as well]. Hair grows at about 1 cm or so, per month, is formed by a protein called keratin and grows out of the skull through tiny little pockets called follicles.


These are pretty obvious but I will list them anyway.

* Receding hairline around the forehead area
* Bald patches making an appearance
* Hair on your clothes during the day
* Hair loss while washing or combing your hair
* A lot of hair in the shower or bath drain
* Hair looking thin on top [can see your scalp]


* Inadequate diet
* Lack of vitamins
* Lack of folic acid
* Sudden shock
* Stress
* Long illnesses - typhoid, syphilis, anemia etc.
* Anxiety
* Hereditary
* Bad hair care and hygiene


Ensure your diet is packed with folic acids, vitamins and proteins, keep your scalp and hair clean, massage the scalp after every wash [preferably with cold water] to ensure good circulation of blood to the area and to help stimulate the sebaceous glands.


1) Alfalfa - the juice of this plant mixed with equal quantities of the juice of carrots and lettuce provide the right elements to promote hair growth [quite remarkable hair growth occurs].

2) Amla oil - prepared by mixing coconut oil and gooseberry oil in equal quantities; this is a powerful hair tonic and will encourage hair growth.

3) Lime juice - A mixture of gooseberry and lime-juice [equal amounts] used as a shampoo will stimulate hair growth and aid in preventing hair loss.

4) Lettuce - drinking a mixture of lettuce and spinach juice [about 1/2 a liter a day] will assist in hair growth and help prevent hair loss.

5) Margosa - make a concoction of this trees leaves and use as a wash, this will aid in preventing hair loss and increasing the hairs growth. Also beneficial in killing hair lice.

6) Mustard oil - boil this oil [250ml] together with henna leaves [about sixty grams], add the leaves slowly until they have all burned into the oil, filter the oil, cool, store in a convenient container and use about a tablespoon each day to massage into the hair and scalp to help produce thick healthy and abundant hair.

7) Coconut milk - apply this liquid to the scalp, massage it into the hair roots, to nourish the hair and promote hair growth

8) Seeds of black pepper and lime - grind to a paste and apply to the bald patchy areas, this will promote blood circulation [due to a slightly irritant action of the paste] and stimulate hair growth, apply this to the area twice daily.

9) Liquorish - grind some of this plant into milk with a touch of saffron and apply this nightly before going to bed, it is said to help promote re-growth.

10) Onion - found to be beneficial if rubbed into the patchy areas [until the area is quite red] every morning and evening, soothe with some honey.

There are other remedies out there, which include pigeon pea, coconut oil, fenugreek, green coriander leaves etc. Try the ones listed to find one that will assist in the re-growth and health of your hair.

As with most problems, a good healthy well balanced diet is very important, not only for your hair but for your general health as well, so please ensure you eat a well balanced diet, have good hair hygiene and do a moderate amount of exercise daily.

Candice is a full time author and loves to write about her interests. These include a variety of diets, be it for weight loss or for the benefit of ones health she puts pen to paper. She also loves shopping, bowling, beading, dabbles in the forex market and enjoys internet marketing. You can visit her at 22 Inch Rims to find the 22 Inch rims you have always wanted.

Understand What Causes Hair Loss? - 7 Potentially Serious Reasons far more

Hair loss is a quandary anyone and everyone can be caught up with. "What causes hair loss?" is a question you can probably answer with uncountable number of reasons with all of them pointing towards the same fact. This article on What Causes Hair Loss aims at highlighting all the different causes for hair loss.

Hair, like any other body part, needs to be taken care of. A lack of moisture in it can make it dry and lifeless. On the other hand, oil and other different natural solutions such as yogurt and egg, to name a few, give your hair beauty, soft texture and a shiny look whereas dry hair has a dull and broken texture with dead or dual ends. Direct exposure to sun light, strong wind, excess of article hair products and water with chlorine can all do that to your hair.

If dry hair can be caused by external sources, there are also internal sources that play their part in it. Heredity and health problems are also significant factors to ponder over here. If you do not get to have better hair through conditioning treatments then it is about time you thought about contacting a health professional!

Hair products and machines such as blow dryers, ironing machines, curlers and curling irons all make you pay for their use in the long run. Not only do they extract the moisture out of your hair but also they ruin your hair forever if used consistently.

Another cause of hair loss is shampoos and conditions. Agree they remove dirt and dust out of your hair but using them more often than not has its own downsides. Along with washing away the dirt, they also cleanse your hair of the protective oils. Solution: use a mild shampoo and conditioner not more than 3 times a week, and a natural one using vegetable or plants proteins is preferred.

Do not expose your hair to extreme climatic conditions such as direct sun rays, humidity and rainfall. For athletes and outdoor workers or project employees it is recommended that they take protective measures before they face baldness. Solution: wear a scarf, hat, cap (swimming cap while swimming).

Malnutrition and unhealthy eating habits can also destroy your hair and be a cause of hair loss. Starving for prolonged time periods has been known to deny your hair of the nutrients they essentially require. Dry scalp and eventually dry hair are a result of anorexia. These causes of hair loss can be overcome by consuming fatty acids which is present in salmon and fish oil along with seeds such as flax and walnuts.

Decreased levels of parathyroid hormones in the body are termed as Hypoparthyroidism. It is an indication of lower calcium and higher phosphorus in the blood streams. As a result, not does it only affect your skin and muscles but also your hair. You can get scaly scalp and dry hair which are causes by hypoparthyroidism.

Hair Loss Causes


Are you still trying to figure out which method is going to be the best one to regrow your hair back? Get your Free hair loss report now by []

What Causes Hair Loss? - 7 Potentially Serious Reasons

Hair Loss Causes

Study Is Female Hormonal Hair Loss One of The Causes of Balding in Women? a lot more

Let's face it female hormonal hair loss can be one of the causes in balding in women. If you find yourself being one of the almost 40% of women who experience hair loss I know you want to do everything possible to fix it.

You are probably asking yourself I really don't know any of my friends that are losing their hair. You are probably right because women don't lose their hair as much as men do. Unlike men a woman's hair loss goes through a thinning process so it takes a period of time to become noticeable.

As a woman you are blessed with a hormone called estrogen which helps balance out the big hair loss culprit called DHT. Actually DHT is short for dihydrotestosterone. If you will notice the last half of that long word spells testosterone which a big factor of hair loss in men.

I don't know if you know this but women have testosterone just like men do but at much lower levels. So it seems as a woman with low levels of testosterone and the estrogen to help balance it out why you should be stuck with your hair falling out.

One answer to that question is that your hormones may be out of balance therefore resulting in one of the causes of hair loss in women. So ask yourself this is the imbalance of my feminine hormones the cause of my hair falling out.

So what could be some of the reasons that could cause your hormones to lose their balance therefore causing you to lose your hair?

If you have been taking birth control pills for a long period of time and decide to stop taking them for health reasons or to try to get pregnant this can throw your hormones out of whack and cause temporary hair loss.

A lot of women when they are pregnant have a nice full of head of hair. This is because during pregnancy your hormone levels change and any hair loss goes through a kind of resting inactive stage.

Once your baby is delivered the hormones go back to normal levels therefore causing some of your hair to fall out. Not to worry over a period of time your hair should return back to pre-pregnancy levels.

You may have an under active thyroid that is not producing enough hormones. One of the side effects of this condition can be loss of your hair. This can also affect other parts of your body such as your eyebrows.

Also a lot of women approaching menopause can see their estrogen levels starting to fall. As we discussed earlier with your estrogen hormone levels falling they fail to play a big part in protecting you against DHT a big factor in hair loss.

Any hormone balance condition should be discussed with your doctor so the proper tests can be performed to get you back on the right track to perfectly balanced hormones and the re-growth of your hair.

Although sometimes after treatment all your hair will not grow back or the process of growing your hair back will be very slow. Don't let this concern you because there are options you can take advantage of to help you to get back that full head of hair.

Hair Loss Causes In Men

I have a hair growing option that any woman experiencing female hormonal hair loss should consider. I would like for you to go over to my website and watch a very informative video. Pay close attention to the way any woman with hair loss can be helped. Just go over to

Is Female Hormonal Hair Loss One of The Causes of Balding in Women?

Hair Loss Causes In Men

Read through Hair Loss - Women and Vitamin Deficiency extra

One of the things women need to be aware of is their nutrition. Vitamins are essential tools in caring for your body. In proper balance, vitamins help keep the body in as a healthy a state as possible. Not having enough of certain vitamins can cause any number of health conditions including hair loss. Hair loss, women, and vitamin deficiency is a bad connection.

Vitamins for Hair Health

Vitamin A is stored in the liver. If too much is consumed, the excess will be stored in other parts of the body. This could cause symptoms such as headaches, nausea, lethargy, headaches and hair loss. Too little vitamin A can cause coarse hair and dry skin. Food sources of vitamin A include cabbage, apricots, carrots, peaches, eggs, milk, cheese, and even fish liver oil.

Vitamin E is important in hair loss. Vitamin E is said to be helpful in preventing the loss of hair and in stalling the process of hair going gray. Food sources of vitamin E are green leafy vegetables, seeds, dried beans, nuts, and spinach to name a few. Your blood pressure could rise when taking vitamin E so it suggested that if you have high blood pressure that you talk to your doctor before taking vitamin E.

Inositol is a B vitamin found in citrus fruits, whole grains, liver, and in yeast. An inositol deficiency can not only cause hair loss, but eczema as well. It is important in keeping the scalp and hair healthy. As an added benefit, it has also been shown to lower blood cholesterol levels.

Vitamin H is also known as Biotin. Like vitamin E, it helps to prevent hair loss and the graying of hair. Biotin is found in food sources such as egg yolk, kidney, liver, yeast, and milk. It may also be of benefit in nail health and skin health.

Vitamin B group vitamins related to hair loss are B3, B5, and B12. Vitamin B 3 is found in meats, fish, wheat germ and brewer's yeast. Vitamin B 5 is found in egg yolk, meats, and yeast. Vitamin B6 is found in bananas, white and sweet potatoes, as well as spinach.

Eating fresh fruits and vegetables particularly citrus fruits and tomatoes are good sources of folic acid. Eating whole and fortified grain products and beans (lentils) are also sources of folic acid.

Consuming protein is also very good for keeping your hair healthy. Most people tend not to eat enough protein. It can be found in meat, fish, chicken, soy, and eggs. At least one serving per day should be eaten.

There are trace minerals that can benefit your hair such as zinc. It is helpful to take a multivitamin that also contains such trace minerals. The Daily Recommended Allowance is listed on the label.

Deficiencies of these vitamins and minerals can cause a multitude of health conditions. This includes hair loss. This can be prevented by taking the proper amount and eating a healthy diet. On the other hand, consuming too high a dose of them can also cause health conditions. Your doctor or a nutritionist can help you to decide what the proper amount for your needs is appropriate.


Vitamins as well as trace minerals are an integral part of maintaining healthy hair. Hair loss, women, and vitamin deficiency are preventable with the intake of the proper amounts of vitamins as well as some trace minerals. A healthy diet may not provide the daily recommended allowance and it is advised that you should take a multivitamin supplement. Some types of hair loss can be prevented; others can be treated.

Jean Helmet is a researcher of hair loss issues effecting both men and women. To learn about a new natural hair loss remedy [] that Jean recently discovered and how it contrasts with some other common hair treatment options - Be sure to visit the highly informational short video at: []

Hair Loss - Women and Vitamin Deficiency

Hair Loss

Study Hair Loss in Women - What Causes It? additional

Hair Loss Causes In Men

Crash Dieting Can Cause Hair Loss In Women

When you look at men and women and eating, the numbers show that women suffer from eating disorders much more than men and conditions such as bulimia and / or anorexia can wreak havoc on a woman's body.

Any time you starve your body or as some like to call it "crash diet" you are not only denying yourself food you're also denying your body the nutrients it needs to function properly.

One result is the starvation of hair follicles resulting in follicle death which basically means that when one hair falls out as part of a normal growth cycle (we naturally lose 50-150 hairs a day) the follicle cannot re-grow new hair the way it should.

When hair follicles go dormant they no longer produce, leading to thinning hair.

Medications And Hair Loss

Certain medications, especially those high in Vitamin A can cause hair loss in women. If you are suffering hair loss and are currently taking a new medication such as a thyroid or hypertension pill you may find that these meds are directly related to your hair loss.

Changes In Hormones Can Cause Hair Loss

When a woman's hormones change many different parts of the body are affected. Female conditions such as pregnancy and poly cystic ovarian disorder (PCOD) have been known to cause hair loss in women. Birth control is also another common medication that carries the side effect of thinning hair.

For millions of women worldwide female pattern baldness is a reality. Whether your hair is thinning all over or from only the front of your scalp there are herbal hair loss treatments that can restore your body to it's natural state that replenish and restore your hair follicles into a healthy state.

By taking a few simple steps, hair loss in women can be stopped and the damage can be reversed. To learn more about thinning hair and female pattern baldness and how to reverse the effects please visit the hair loss in women website.

Hair Loss in Women - What Causes It?

Go through Hair Loss - Learn The Truth more

Baldness is often blamed on poor circulation to the scalp, vitamin deficiencies, dandruff, and even on wearing hats excessively. All of these theories have been disproved. It's also untrue that hair loss can be determined by looking at your maternal grandfather or that of 40-year-old men who haven't lost their hair will never lose it. The truth is that individual hair follicles are preprogrammed at the beginning to stay in or fall out. What hair replacement does is to put "good" follicles in place of "bad" follicles. This usually provides an enduring result.

Hair replacement surgery can improve your look and your self-confidence, but the results won't necessarily match your ideal. Before you decide to have surgery, think carefully about your expectations and discuss them with your surgeon. The best applicants are those people who have distinct concerns and enough hair from the back of their heads to donate.

It's significant to understand that all hair replacement techniques use your existing hair. The goal of surgery is to find the most efficient uses of existing hair and to provide the best, longest-lasting results.
Hair replacement candidates must have healthy hair growth at the back and sides of the head to serve as donor areas. Donor areas are the places on the head from which grafts are taken. Other factors, such as hair color, texture, and waviness or curliness, may also affect the cosmetic result. There are a number of techniques used in hair replacement surgery. The technique that is generally preferred is individual follicle transplantation.

Flaps, tissue-expansion, and scalp-reduction are alternative procedures that can leave a person with unpleasant scars. This is especially important for someone who is still thinning to consider.

Woman also experience hair loss. Female hair loss is usually caused by aging, illness, or hormonal changes after menopause. Women tend to experience a slight thinning all over the scalp rather than losing hair in patches as is common in men. To correct the problem, some women choose to wear a wig or hair extensions. Others have had some success using topical prescription drugs. The effectiveness of such drugs varies among patients and simply prevents further hair loss without stimulating appreciable new growth. Hair replacement surgery may be the answer for those who feel uncomfortable with these options.

Hair transplantation involves removing small pieces of hair-bearing scalp from a donor site and transfers them to a bald or thinning area. Using the individual follicle transplant procedure, these pieces are cleaved under a microscope into individual follicles. The grafts are then placed into small "pin holes" in the balding areas. Up to 3500 grafts can be performed in a single "mega session." Your entire hair transplantation can be performed in one day with local anesthesia.

Individual hair follicles are produced from the donor area and placed in a naturally random pattern. This gives nearly undetectable results. The days of mini-grafts, plugs, and micro-grafts are over. The only benefit those measures offered was that they were much simpler to perform.

Individual hair follicle transplantation is state-of-the-art, and for most patients, the results prove it.

Peter Mangano

Hair Loss - Learn The Truth

Hair Loss

Examine How to Trace Out Hair Loss Causes far more

Hair loss is the major problems of the people; it is very tough to control this problem when it occurs. If you are losing 50 to 100 hairs in a day, it is normal, but if the numbers increase over 200 to 250, you need to pay heed towards hair fall problem instantly. There are several reasons of the excessive hair fall, differ from people to people.

Some other common causes are illness, depressions, intake of certain meditation, poor nutrition, infections, heredity and smoking. Sometimes excessive production or decreasing growth of the hormone is one of the major causes. Because of it, hair goes on thin, brittle and weak. Dihydrotestosterone is the very danger culprit, causes 90% hair loss problems in women and men. If you improve the production of the hormones to normal level, it can eliminate the problem easily.

Sometimes serious type of illness or disease like chronic, diabetes, iron deficiency and anima are the root causes of hair loss. There is no treatment for this type of problem your hair will automatically retain their normal growth when you get rid of the illness and live normal life. Poor nutrition is also the major cause. You should need to take adequate amount of mineral, vitamins, biotin, iron, and sulfur for the healthy hair growth.

Stress is the common problem of every man or women that causes imbalance hormone problems, brining about hair loss. Sometimes improper care of the hair becomes the major cause.. You should try to avoid hard chemicals products including shampoo, jells and hair creams for the curls or other complicated hair styles.

Always try to use natural products for the growth of the hair. When you are confronted with the problem of the hair loss, you need to sort out the right cause of the hair loss. It helps you to get rid of this problem easily. You should take care of your hair like your skin if you want to look beautiful.

Hair Loss Causes

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How to Trace Out Hair Loss Causes

Hair Loss Causes

Study Common Causes of Hair Loss in Teenage Girls a lot more

Hair Loss

Hair loss among teenage girls is becoming more prevalent, and it is happening at an alarming rate. Girls as young as thirteen are becoming confused and afraid as they find more strands of hair in their brush, on their pillow, in the shower and lying all over the floor. At the same time they are also noticing that there is less on their head.

Looking good and fitting in is especially important for teenage girls. Excessive shedding with a noticeable decrease in volume can be a devastating and scary experience, especially since it isn't something they ever expected. After all, who ever heard of teenage girls losing their hair for no apparent reason? Until recently it was almost unheard of.

There are several reasons for this sudden increase in teenage hair disorders. Some of the most common causes are as follows:


Hormonal changes are a common cause of hair loss in teens and adults. From the onset of puberty throughout the teenage years, girls experience dramatic hormonal fluctuations. During this time the body needs extra support. Good nutrition, vitamin supplementation, exercise, adequate sleep and ample relaxation will help ease a girl through these hormonal changes.

Teens are known to have bad eating and sleeping habits. They often prefer to spend their time socializing on the computer, leaving little if any time for fresh air and exercise. These bad habits wreak havoc on the hormonal system resulting in hormonal imbalances that can affect the entire system. These imbalances can disrupt the hair growth cycle, causing unhealthy hair growth, thinning and excessive shedding.


Birth control pills are often started during teenage years, creating even more hormonal changes that can affect the hair. This side effect does not happen to every girl who uses the pill. A person will not know how they will be affected until the medication has been in the system for several months.


Many teens are self-conscious about their body and will go to extreme measures to fit into size zero jeans. Extreme dieting including anorexia and bulimia are common causes of unhealthy hair growth and excessive shedding among girls.


In order to control embarrassing acne, teens are often prescribed oral retinol-based acne medication. This is a very potent prescription medication. Oral acne medications can affect hair growth in several ways. By reducing the size of the sebaceous glands, less sebum is produced. Without adequate sebum, hair becomes dry, fragile, weak and more likely to fall out or break off. This medication can also cause several nutritional imbalances that can lead to shedding, thinning or breakage.

Because of the potential side effects, teen girls using this type of medication are required to be on birth control before, during and after the course of treatment-making the possibility of hair loss even greater.


Any medication can cause hair loss, breakage and undesirable texture changes even if it is not listed as a symptom. If the teen is on medication it could be the cause of any changes in her hair.


Hair loss has been reported as a possible result of immunizations. Most reported cases involve female patients.


Pulling hair back in tight styles which is often required for cheerleaders, dance team members, etc. causes sustained pressure on the scalp and follicles. This traction can loosen the hairs from its follicular roots and cause the hair to fall out. Prolonged traction can eventually cause permanent hair loss. Girls who are required to wear these tight hair styles for competition should wear hair loosely the rest of the time and massage affected areas to restore blood circulation.

These are only a few of the many possible causes of hair loss in teenage girls. The hair growth cycle is very sensitive to changes or disturbances, so there could be many possible contributing factors.

Most of these conditions involving teenage girls can usually be improved or reversed once the problem is identified and addressed. Using natural methods such as scalp massage and aromatherapy treatments can stimulate hair growth and minimize hair loss in teenage girls.

More information on TEENAGE HAIR LOSS is available here. Teenage hair loss must be taken seriously. Learn about the types, causes and most effective treatments.

See UNDERSTANDING FEMALE HAIR LOSS to learn more about how female hair loss can be reversed or improved in many cases.

Common Causes of Hair Loss in Teenage Girls

Hair Loss