Hair loss is the major problems of the people; it is very tough to control this problem when it occurs. If you are losing 50 to 100 hairs in a day, it is normal, but if the numbers increase over 200 to 250, you need to pay heed towards hair fall problem instantly. There are several reasons of the excessive hair fall, differ from people to people.
Some other common causes are illness, depressions, intake of certain meditation, poor nutrition, infections, heredity and smoking. Sometimes excessive production or decreasing growth of the hormone is one of the major causes. Because of it, hair goes on thin, brittle and weak. Dihydrotestosterone is the very danger culprit, causes 90% hair loss problems in women and men. If you improve the production of the hormones to normal level, it can eliminate the problem easily.
Sometimes serious type of illness or disease like chronic, diabetes, iron deficiency and anima are the root causes of hair loss. There is no treatment for this type of problem your hair will automatically retain their normal growth when you get rid of the illness and live normal life. Poor nutrition is also the major cause. You should need to take adequate amount of mineral, vitamins, biotin, iron, and sulfur for the healthy hair growth.
Stress is the common problem of every man or women that causes imbalance hormone problems, brining about hair loss. Sometimes improper care of the hair becomes the major cause.. You should try to avoid hard chemicals products including shampoo, jells and hair creams for the curls or other complicated hair styles.
Always try to use natural products for the growth of the hair. When you are confronted with the problem of the hair loss, you need to sort out the right cause of the hair loss. It helps you to get rid of this problem easily. You should take care of your hair like your skin if you want to look beautiful.
Hair Loss CausesFor more amazing discoveries and simple solutions on how you can easily stop hair loss and regrow your hair in no time, get advice from