Reasons For Hair Loss and Causes of Thinning Hair
Hair Loss CausesThe reasons for hair loss and the causes of thinning hair are many and varied. And it does not discriminate between the sexes. Indeed age is really no protection as even teenagers can and do experience thinning hair or even outright baldness. But what are the reasons for hair loss? And what are the causes of thinning hair?
The Part Played By Heredity
Some possible causes include various diseases, stress and anxiety, an imbalance of hormones and nutritional imbalance. However one of the most common reasons for hair loss is Androgenetic Alopecia. The term partly refers to androgens and their role in the hair loss process. These androgens are a type of male hormone. Also the term Androgenetic refers to the genetic aspect of the balding process. Indeed heredity does play a part as we shall see shortly. The fact that not everyone experiences baldness shows that there are genetic factors that predispose a person to this type of hair loss. The presence of someone balding in your family might suggest that you too may be in for a bout with baldness although there are exceptions. This type of foresight allows you to plan now to take action to prevent or minimize the loss of your hair.
How Hair Loss Occurs
The most frequently occurring androgenic hormones produced by all people are testosterone and its derivative DHT(=Dihydrotestosterone), as well as androsteinedione. The male testicles and adrenal glands are responsible for producing these hormones in men while in women the ovaries and adrenal glands perform this function. When there is an excess of the hormone DHT in someone with a genetic predisposition to baldness, the DHT attacks the hair follicles causing a progressive shrinkage of the follicles themselves as well as the hair that grows from the follicles. The result of this is the well known male or female pattern baldness also known as Androgenetic Alopecia. Perhaps you wonder, "At what age does balding take place?" This varies from person to person and this type of baldness has been seen even in the teen years. It is also instructive to note that male or female pattern baldness is not a momentary occurrence but is actually a process occurring over time. And the rate of balding varies from slow to rapid, depending on your individual make up.
Other Reasons For Hair Loss
Loss of hair may be symptomatic of certain medical conditions. Examples of these are thyroid malfunction and diabetes. Other illnesses that often contribute to hair loss include lupus, kidney disorder and liver disease. In addition, a condition known as polycystic ovary syndrome can cause a hormone imbalance in females and this can cause you to lose your hair.
Then there are the medications that can induce hair loss such as acne medicines, amphetamines found in weight control medicines as well as chemotherapy used in treating cancer.
Loss of hair can also occur on the scalp due to a skin disease. This is Alopecia Areata referring to hair loss over the specific area. (areata) In this disease process the body's own immune system attacks and damages the hair follicles. This auto immune disease starts by showing small bald patches and can advance to full baldness.
Hair thinning can also result when a person pulls out his or her own hair during a psychological condition known as Trichotillomania.
Also certain hair styles in which hair is pulled tight in braids or special hair jewelry can result in hair breakage and hence hair loss. At times a nutritional imbalance can lead to loss of hair. In this case there may be a deficiency of certain minerals and vitamins that are vital to the hair growth process.
Did you find those tips on reasons for Hair Thinning useful? You can learn a lot more about how to Regrow Your Own Hair by clicking here: Baldness Treatment [] or here: Baldness Cure [].