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What causes female hair loss? Women are supposed to have a full head of thick, luxurious hair that can be tossed around seductively or pulled back into a high ponytail. This is the cultural standard by which women are typically judged today and many men admit that they find women with long, full hair to be more attractive than women with very short hair. So, what is a woman to do when her hair starts thinning out?

Men struggle with losing hair every day and it can be devastating to their social life, but there is more acceptance for balding men than there is for balding women. Women with noticeably thinned out hair are seen as unattractive or in some cases diseased. This is an unfair standard that has developed in our culture and it places a tremendous amount of pressure on women to maintain those luxurious silky waves of hair spilling over their shoulders.

If you are experiencing thinning hair or rapid loss of hair, Following are some of the most common cause of female hair loss, though you would have to seek the opinion of a medical professional to get a clear diagnosis of what is causing your own hair loss:

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
Androgen/Estrogen Imbalance
Medication Use

This is by far not an exhaustive list of all the things that can cause women to lose there hair. There are other diseases that can cause you to lose your hair and some children may get infections on the scalp which leads to temporary hair loss until the infection is treated.

One noticeable thing that pulls everything on this list together is that all of these causes of hair loss in women occur as a result of something going on inside the body. In this way hair loss in women is very different from hair loss in men. Most women do not lose hair because they have a genetic predisposition to lose it, which is often the case with men.

Women usually start to lose their hair because of something happening inside the body. The good news here is that the cause of the hair loss can usually be treated in order to stop.

Many women who go to their doctor to report that they are losing there hair will be diagnosed with other medical problems. They just didn't have any other noticeable symptoms other than losing there hair. In this way female hair loss can actually help some medical conditions be diagnosed faster which means they will be easier and faster to treat. Sometimes early diagnosis can stop a medical condition or disease from becoming fatal, so every women experiencing losing there hair should see her doctor as soon as possible.

Women who experience losing hair while taking any type of medication should look the medicine up or call their doctor to ask if losing your hair could be a side effect. Blood thinners are typically associated with female hair loss but it can also occur with many medications used to treat diabetes and heart conditions.

It is easy to get caught up with the social injustices that occur with females losing there hair, but what is happening inside the body to cause you to lose your hair is more important. Anyone experiencing hair loss should see a doctor to determine if something serious could be going on inside.

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Hair Loss Causes

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What Causes Female Hair Loss? Tips

Hair Loss Causes