Understand Itchy Scalp and Hair Loss - Are They Related Or Connected? much more

Itchy Scalp and Hair Loss - Are They Related Or Connected?

Hair Loss

An itchy scalp with hair loss is a common topic on many scalp condition and hair loss forums. It's very common to wonder if the two are related, which came first, and which (if either) is perpetuating the other. The answers are important because this will determine the course of treatment and action.

Some Common Causes Of Itchy Scalp With Hair Loss: There are several situations and conditions that involve both scalp and hair. Sometimes, medical issues (hypothyroidism, going off of birth control pills, pregnancy, female or male pattern alopecia, or taking certain medications) can cause hair loss. In these cases, scalp itching, tingling, tenderness, or even pain can sometimes accompany a bunch of hair follicles dying off at one time. Sometimes your scalp will also itch when the hair is growing back. This is normal and once whatever the issue causing the hair loss is resolved, this should stop. In the meantime, you can use natural, non harmful anti-inflammatories like tea tree or jojoba oil to soothe inflammation and help with the symptoms.

Sometimes, though, there is a dermatological problem with the scalp that is also causing the hair loss. In these cases, the two are often strongly correlated and related to one another. So, in order to treat the hair loss, you'll need to also treat your scalp and restore it to a healthy condition and vice versa.

Common conditions that cause both scalp itching and hair loss are: scalp ringworm; a yeast or other infection of the scalp; severe dandruff; dry scalp; psoriasis; cradle cap; or an allergic reaction to shampoo, hair products, hair dyes, or clothing detergent. (Sometimes even skin cream or make up that never even touches the scalp can cause problems in sensitive people.)

Treatments For Scalp Itch Accompanied By A Loss Of Hair: The treatment will depend on how severe the scalp condition is. Many feel it's best to try the most natural, least irritating treatments first.

If you're having problems with your hair and scalp, you have to realize that the skin is in essence injured. Pouring chemicals and harsh irritants on a wound can make it worse. If you take a careful look at the labels for many dandruff shampoos and scalp treatments, you'll likely notice that some of the common ingredients in these products are known irritants that can damage and dry out your scalp further and do more harm than good.

Why Natural Alternatives Are Sometimes Preferred Since Chemicals Can Irritate Sensitive, Wounded Skin And Make The Problem Worse: Sometimes harsh products are only a temporary band aid that will eventually lose their effectiveness. When this happens, you have to keep pulling out bigger, harsher weapons (sometimes even steroids) to get the same results. Over time, nothing seems to work.

Believe it or not, there are natural ingredients that can very effectively soothe and treat a problem scalp with or without accompanying hair loss. Common examples are tea tree oil, apple cider vinegar, rosemary and lavender oils. These are even more potent in specific combined amounts.

Sometimes it's hard for people to believe that simple, natural remedies can be both effective and healthy for your scalp and hair, but I believe that if you try them, you'll likely be pleasantly surprised. Think about other cultures with beautiful, healthy heads of hair that lack many of the scalp disorders and diseases of Western countries. These folks likely wouldn't dream of dousing themselves with chemicals, yet they don't suffer these issues and their hair reflects this.

Treating The Shrinking Root Of The Problem: There are common triggers for scalp conditions. These vary from person to person, but if you can find and eliminate yours, this will go a very long way toward reducing the problem and making treatments much more effective and long lasting. Reoccurring scalp and hair loss conditions can shrink and cripple the hair follicle over time contributing to weak, compromised, thin hair so it's important to fully but gently address all issues.

Healthy Scalp Resources is a website that offers natural solutions for dermatological scalp conditions like infections, severe drandruff, itching, flaking, and scaling (with or without hair loss), and other painful, chronic conditions of the hair and scalp. You can also read my personal story of how I finally addressed my own chronic situation at http://healthy-scalp-resources.blogspot.com/